The German Zeiss full femtosecond laser is one of the most advanced corneal refractive surgery modes in the world. It brings the safety and precision of myopia correction to a new level. Due to the high development cost and difficult to break through the technical bottleneck, at present only the German Zeiss "full femtosecond" laser system can be used in the "full femtosecond" myopia correction surgery. The more difficult the ZEISS full femtosecond surgery is, the more expensive it will be. If the condition is relatively simple during the operation, the price will be relatively cheap, about $11,000. If the condition is difficult and difficult to treat, and there may be some danger during the operation, the price will be relatively higher, about $21,000. The surgery can cure myopia, and during the recovery period, you should also develop correct eye habits.
To learn more about the German Zeiss full femtosecond surgery related information, recommended consulting the Guangzhou Sigma Eye Hospital, Guangzhou Sigma Eye Hospital is a collection of clinical medical services, training and scientific research in one of the second-level ophthalmology specialty hospitals. The hospital practice licensed diagnosis and treatment subjects: ophthalmology comprehensive, anesthesiology, medical laboratory, ophthalmology specialty, and so on. The hospital closely follow the development trend of ophthalmology, with a kind and sincere attitude, rigorous professional conduct and quality medical care services, to provide patients with diversified professional ophthalmology one-stop high-end services.