Which kinds of fire extinguishers should be used for electrical equipment fire

In fighting electrical fires without cutting off the power supply, you need to use the following types of fire extinguishers:

Carbon tetrachloride fire extinguisher - the fire of electrical equipment has a better fire extinguishing effect, carbon tetrachloride does not burn, and does not conduct electricity.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers - the most suitable for fighting fires in electrical and electronic equipment, carbon dioxide has no corrosive effect, does not cause damage to the equipment.

Dry powder fire extinguishers - it combines the strengths of carbon tetrachloride and carbon dioxide, suitable for fighting electrical fires, extinguishing speed.

When using, must maintain sufficient safety distance, for 10kV and the following equipment, the distance should not be less than 40cm.


Note that absolutely can not be used with acid or alkali or foam extinguishers, because of its fire-fighting liquid conductive, the person holding the extinguisher will be electrocuted. This liquid will strongly corrode electrical equipment, and it is not easy to remove afterwards.

Electrified fires cannot be fought with water, and should be fought with halothane, carbon dioxide, dry powder extinguishers.

Halothane extinguishing agent molecules of halogen atoms are usually fluorine, chlorine and bromine atoms, high fire-extinguishing efficiency, can be in a few seconds or even a shorter period of time will be extinguished flames;

Carbon dioxide extinguishers are mainly used to extinguish the valuable equipment, archives, instruments, 600 volts or less of electrical equipment and oil of the incipient fire, should be used outdoors to choose the direction of the upwind jet, in the indoor Narrow space should leave quickly after use;

Dry powder fire extinguishers are the use of carbon dioxide gas or nitrogen gas as the driving force will be the cylinder of dry powder spray fire, mainly used to fight petroleum, organic solvents and other flammable liquids, combustible gases, and electrical equipment of the incipient fire.