Which are the three leading indium companies?

The three leading indium companies are Zhuyue Group, Zinc and Tin.

1, Zhuyue Group

The largest indium producer in China, the company is the largest indium producer in China.

2, zinc industry shares

Indium is widely used in LEDs, liquid crystal displays, nuclear reactor control rods and solar cells.

3, tin shares

The company has a richer tin, indium, copper, zinc and other metallic mineral resources, the company's location in the area of Wuxue is one of China's most concentrated tin resources, known as the world's tin capital reputation, Wuxue mine has good mining conditions, the prospect of mine, the company every year, the mine results are more fruitful.

Indium is a metal element:

English name: Indium, element symbol In, belongs to the IIIA group of metal elements, atomic number: 49, relative atomic mass: 114.8, melting point 156.61 ℃, boiling point 2060 ℃. Relative density 7.31g/cm? Indium is a silver-white and slightly light blue luster metal, the texture is very soft, can be scratched with fingernails, plasticity, ductility, can be pressed into pieces. Indium metal is not oxidized by air at room temperature. Indium is slightly radioactive, so skin contact and ingestion should be avoided.

Indium in the earth's crust in the content of 1 × 10 ^ (-5)%, although it also has independent minerals, such as indium copper sulfide (CuInS2), indium iron sulfide (FeInS4), water indium ore [In(OH)3], etc., but the amount of indium is very small, indium is mainly in the analogous homogeneous in the iron sphalerite (indium content of 0.0001% to 0.1%), hematite, galena, as well as other multi-metal sulfide ore. In addition, indium mainly exists in the form of a homogeneous substance in

In addition, indium is also found in tin ore, wolframite, and ordinary hornblende. Indium metal is widely used in aerospace, radio and electronics industry, medical, defense, high-tech, energy and other fields.