In radiation protection, which four types of radiation are mainly targeted?

Alpha particles, beta particles, gamma (X) rays and neutrons.

Alpha rays are a charged particle stream, due to the charged, it is easy to cause ionization wherever it goes. alpha rays have a strong ionizing ability, this nature can be utilized. It also brings certain destructive places, and has greater destructive ability to the tissues in the human body. Due to its large mass, poor penetration ability, the range in the air is only a few centimeters, as long as a piece of paper or healthy skin can be blocked.

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Ionizing radiation people in their daily lives in contact with very few opportunities, and life is often exposed to ultraviolet, infrared, microwave, and radio waves (from the cell phone base station, high-voltage lines, computers, microwave ovens, etc.), which are electromagnetic waves, resulting in non-ionizing radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation has been listed by the WHO as the fourth largest source of environmental pollution following the water, atmosphere, noise, and become a hazard to human health of the invisible " killer ", electromagnetic radiation on the human body is mainly thermal and non-thermal effects, long-term and excessive electromagnetic radiation will be on the human body's reproduction, neurological and immune systems, such as caused harm, induced a variety of diseases.