Let's learn an ancient text together. In fact, the answer to so many questions, the ancient sages have told us long ago, just depends on whether we have learned and understood.
I tasted the end of the day and think about it, not as much as a moment of learning; I tasted crawling and look forward to it, not as much as climbed high of the Bo see also. If you fake a carriage or a horse, it is not good for your feet, but it will lead you to thousands of miles; if you fake an oar, it is not good for the water, but it will lead you to the river. The gentleman's birth is not different, but good at pretending to be something. (Junzi Sheng 通:性)
仪器看病? You also really lift that pile of steel plus plastic ...... Although the last two or three decades artificial intelligence has made great progress, but regardless of the industry, at present artificial intelligence can not completely replace people! To put it bluntly, AI is ultimately still a machine of 0s and 1s - black or white. Compared with the human brain, artificial intelligence still has a long, long way to go.
Let's start with an example of a pathology examination within my practice. The pathology department has a variety of instruments, what automatic tissue dehydrator, automatic dyeing and sealing machine ...... and so on and so forth. However, these machines can do, are only the process of the middle section of the preparation work, the most critical material, diagnosis, including the technical aspects of the section work, still must be completed by the people.
For example, pathology sampling, simply put, is to cut the large lesions into small pieces. It seems simple, but the sampling must be targeted, select the most typical part of the lesion, and sometimes have to take the cutting edge and so on. Such work can not be accomplished by existing instruments, and must be done by humans. Therefore, although nowadays artificial intelligence has been developed to a very high level, but there has been no "pathology skimming machine" and other machines.
Another example is diagnostics, where AI can only calculate 0 and 1, black and white, while human diseases are many and varied. Even the most common smooth muscle tumor in obstetrics and gynecology is diverse under the microscope. Artificial intelligence can recognize image A but not necessarily image B ...... What's more, image A must likewise be entered into the database by a human being, and it is likewise a human being who selects image A and corresponds it to the relevant diagnosis, isn't it? Therefore, although the pathology department has a lot of equipment, but ultimately the diagnosis, the report is issued by the pathologist, is a person, not the instrument!
So, what is the role of the instrument?
What is the role of the instrument? This is the same as the carpenter's chainsaw, electric planer, woodworking lathe and other tools, the original carpenter with ordinary saws, planes can do furniture, but very time-consuming and laborious. After the use of power tools, the efficiency is significantly improved, the carpenter also saves a lot of effort. But playing furniture still have to rely on carpenters, machines can not completely replace the carpenter. Even if all the furniture is made "fully automated" by machines, the work of inputting the corresponding design and program is still done by human beings, and machines can't replace the role of human beings! The same is true for pathology examination, in the absence of automatic tissue dehydrator, automatic dyeing and sealing machine and other tools, manual dehydration, manual dyeing and sealing can also produce pathology slides, only more time-consuming and laborious than the machine. In other words, people can replace machines, but machines can't replace people. ......
The same is true for other departments, such as ultrasound imaging and radiography, where the only thing a machine can provide is an image, whether it's a low-resolution image or an ultra-high-definition resolution image, whether it's an optical image, or a digital image, which is just a picture, and a machine doesn't know how to do that. Whether it is a low-resolution image or an ultra-high resolution image, whether it is an optical image or a digital image, it is after all just a picture. The machine won't tell you what kind of image it is. The person who makes the final diagnosis is still a human being, an imaging physician.
As for the medical laboratory, there is even less to say. The majority of what the machines in the medical laboratory produce is a series of values. The machines don't tell you what they mean or what kind or type of disease they are pointing to! In the end, it is the clinician who combines questioning, physical examination, and his or her own clinical experience to give a diagnosis and treat accordingly.
In other words, no machine can give a definitive diagnosis, and no machine can give a definitive diagnosis. They are just tools, and in the end, the diagnosis must be made manually by a physician. Physicians, technicians can replace artificial intelligence, while artificial intelligence can not completely replace the work of physicians, technicians. Even the cytology AI screening currently used in pathology only screens out suspicious cases, which must be manually confirmed by the pathologist! Then again, if a machine were to see you from start to finish, would you be comfortable with that? You dare to let the machine to see you?
To be clear, machines and the so-called artificial intelligence are just tools for doctors to improve diagnostic efficiency and accuracy, they are just a means to an end, and can't replace the doctor's diagnosis. At present, the only person who can diagnose a disease is still a human being! No machine, no artificial intelligence can do that. The same is true for treatment, whether it is a cavity mirror or microsurgical microscope, are only to provide a clear vision of the surgeon and or surgical instruments and so on, to do the operation is still the surgeon as a person! No human operation, the machine and artificial intelligence is not going to do the operation independently ...... And then for example, gastroenteroscopy clip biopsy tissue, the machine is not going to know in the end to clip which piece of diseased tissue, this work must also be done by the human. The machine is just a tool, and it's only responsible for clamping, but it doesn't know which piece of tissue to clamp. ......
To summarize, the question itself is a false proposition. Up to now, there is no way to replace a human being with an instrument, and it is the doctor, not the instrument, who will be treating you in the hospital! Instruments are just a means to an end. The reason why there are more instrumental examinations nowadays is mainly due to the need to improve efficiency and accuracy, and the instruments will not give a diagnosis. In fact, even without instruments, many tests can be done, but the efficiency is greatly reduced. For example, in our Department of Pathology, with those instruments, you may be able to get the report every other day; but without those instruments, you may have to wait for many days. ...... The same is true for the Department of Medical Laboratory Medicine, where routine blood tests were originally done by manual counting, which was much slower than the speed of the machines that do it nowadays! If that were the case, you'd probably be complaining about the inefficiency of the hospital, wouldn't you?
This is similar to carpentry. In the past, carpenters, handmade a set of furniture can not be said to be a few days, or even months. Now, with power tools, woodworking lathes and so on, perhaps a day, or even a few hours can be done, do out of the furniture even more than the handmade more beautiful! But whether it is purely handmade or power tools, the operation of the people, the machine is not going to do their own furniture ...... Why is such a simple reason, put on the carpenter is a matter of course, rather than put on the body of the doctor has become the so-called "instrument to see the disease" it?
Of course the doctor is looking at the disease.
The results of any instrument need to be analyzed by the doctor to make a correct judgment.
No knowledge, get the test results, but also the doctor to show her.
Chinese medicine is a doctor to see the doctor, relying on the doctor's own clinical experience combined with the patient's symptoms dialectical treatment.
Clinical medicine doctors are based on their own experience with the help of medical equipment to diagnose and treat the symptoms.
The Chinese and Western medical practitioners have their own unique characteristics.
Do you know why it's so expensive now? That's because as long as you enter the hospital, a variety of tests come one after another, should be done should not be done, as long as the next to be done to you, because you spend more money, the hospital's efficiency and the doctor's income will be higher.
The instrument is the eyes of the doctor.
Take my sister's treatment of rheumatism, the whole process I was following the whole process, very clear.
My sister's legs are swollen and thick, and she can't walk because of the pain. I used a wheelchair to push her to the rheumatology and immunology clinic, first of all, the blood test, focusing on the "blood sedimentation" high and low, and then injections, medication. A week later, I went back for another blood test to see how much the "sedimentation rate" had dropped, and then I took another injection and medicine, and so on and so forth. Later on, I stopped taking injections and just took the medicine, and for more than a year, it has been blood test - medicine, every time I have to take a test, without which I can't look at it and take the medicine.
So, the instrument is the eyes of the doctor, this is also the doctor himself said, only to see how high the blood sedimentation can be the right medicine. The instrument is indispensable to the treatment of Western medicine. There is a big difference with the Chinese medicine to look, smell, ask and listen to the diagnosis, Chinese medicine can be based on the real ability to give people a good look at the disease, while Western medicine can not.
Instruments are indispensable to the doctor to see the aids, but the final diagnosis is still the doctor, the two complement each other, can not do without one another.
Oops! This problem really makes people feel really embarrassed to say! The more the science develops, the more advanced the instruments! The more advanced the scientific development, the more advanced the instruments, the more stupid the people are! The more stupid you are, the more you want to make money! I'm going to the hospital to see if you have a cold! First, they'll take your temperature! After a series of tests, they say it's okay! Then they prescribe you some medicine, drink lots of water, and take rest! The cost of prescribing medicine accounts for less than one-tenth of the cost of the entire examination! The time spent on medical treatment is all spent on instrumentation! You say it's funny? I'd say the doctor is unethical! He's quite serious! He said he is responsible for his patients! He said he's responsible for his patients, and that he's afraid that if he doesn't look at you properly, he'll make you sick! He says it's all for the sake of money! In reality, it's all about money! Medical reform! Medical reform! The people can't afford to see a doctor! Doctors have become cash cows! It is a person wearing a white coat on the human model of a doctor.
The problem is that now doctors do not know how to see patients without instruments. There have been Chinese doctors and Western doctors betting to see the same patient at the same time, without borrowing any instruments, to see who can look at the patient.