Metauniverse is a virtual world constructed by human beings using digital technology, which is mapped or surpassed by the real world, and can interact with the real world, and has a digital living space of a new social system. Metauniverse itself is not a new technology, but integrates a large number of existing technologies, including 5G, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, blockchain, digital currency, Internet of Things, human-computer interaction and so on.
On September 13, 2022, the National Committee for the Examination and Approval of Scientific and Technical Terminology held a seminar on the concept and core terms of metauniverse. After in-depth discussion, the experts and scholars attending the meeting formed a * * understanding of the names and definitions of three core concepts, such as Metauniverse, which is defined as "the hyperuniverse constructed by human beings with digital technology and mapped or surpassed by the real world".
The layout pattern of the meta-universe
Metauniverse involves many technologies, and the ecological map of Metauniverse has the underlying technical support, the front-end equipment platform and the scene content entrance. Metauniverse has three attributes, one is the space-time nature of space-time; Second, it includes the human-machine nature of virtual people, natural people and robots; The third is based on the economic appreciation brought by the blockchain.
Metauniverse develops at different speeds in different industrial fields. If an industrial field is closely integrated with the three attributes of the meta-universe, its development will be faster, including games, exhibitions, education, design and planning, medical care, industrial manufacturing and government services. In the future, all our industries need to re-enter the orbit in the meta-universe of space, ergonomics and economic appreciation.