What software can be used to view CT image slices on a computer?

CT images can be viewed on a computer using ImageJ software.

ImageJ is capable of displaying, editing, analyzing, processing, saving, and printing 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit images in TIFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, FITS, and other formats.

Extended Information:

DICOM is used in a wide range of applications including radiology and cardiovascular imaging. DICOM is widely used in radiology, cardiovascular imaging, and diagnostic radiology equipment (X-ray, CT, MR***Vibration, ultrasound, etc.), and is increasingly used in other medical fields such as ophthalmology and dentistry. With tens of thousands of medical imaging devices in use, DICOM is one of the most widely deployed medical information standards. Approximately ten billion DICOM-compliant medical images are currently in clinical use.

DICOM files are composed of different data elements, and these DICOM images cannot be directly converted to JPEG or BMP-like images, which would lose information. Commonly used images each channel value range is 0-255 .CT then are gray scale map, each pixel range is at least one or two thousand. So this kind of image can be viewed with ImageJ software, which can display, edit, analyze, process, save and print 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit images in TIFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, FITS and other formats.

ImageJ supports the image stack function, that is, in a window in the form of multi-threaded cascade multiple images, parallel processing. As long as memory allows, ImageJ can open as many images as it wants. In addition to basic image manipulation, such as scaling, rotating, distorting, and smoothing, ImageJ also performs area and pixel counts, spacing, and angle calculations, creates bar charts and profiles, and performs Fourier transforms.


Baidu Encyclopedia-DICOM