With Italy's escalating epidemic and a severe shortage of medical resources, why did it decide to protect the young before saving the old?

In this epidemic, the Italian government was faced with the difficult decision of whether to save the elderly or the young, and ultimately chose ? Young people first? By 11:00 on March 28, Italy accumulated 86,498 confirmed cases, 9,134 deaths, most of the deaths of the elderly, because Italy's elderly group accounted for a high proportion of Europe's most serious aging of the country. According to the Italian National Institute of Health, 58% of the new crown pneumonia deceased for more than 80 years old, 31% for more than 70 years old, the average age of patients who died of new crown pneumonia is 81 years old.

Why is Italy facing this difficult decision?

In fact it is not just Italy, many countries around the world are facing this choice, it is just that Italy is being pushed to the ? desperate?

Why did Italy choose ? young people first?

Taking Italy as an example, suppose the number of patients with new coronary pneumonia in a city in Italy is upwards of 3,000, but the local healthcare facilities can only admit some of the patients, and now there are two options:One is to admit 1,500 young people, and the other is to admit 1,000 elderly people. Which option would you choose? This assumption is based on the scarcity of medical resources; young people have better physical immunity and take up less medical supplies, young people are more capable of taking care of themselves and need fewer health care workers. The elderly, on the other hand, will crowd out more medical resources because they are physically weaker and less able to take care of themselves. If the first option is chosen, admitting young people, then the Italian government will face great risk of public opinion, and even rise to the height of human rights; if the second option is chosen, admitting the elderly, then it will result in the problem of crowding of medical resources and inefficient admission. Of course, in addition to these two options, there is a middle-of-the-road choice, that is, the Italian medical institutions ? The people who come to Italy are not rejected?

It's a good thing that you're not a big fan of the way you're doing it, because you're not a big fan of the way you're doing it, because you're not a big fan of the way you're doing it. The government of Italy is not allowed to accept all the people who come to the country. , in which case the Italian government has no choice but to prioritize the young.

In fact, many people will say that young people are in good health, it is okay to delay a few days, save the elderly first, but Italy is facing the problem of whether it makes sense to save the elderly. To say that a patient is over 65 years old is almost like being sentenced by the virus to ? death sentence? , is it worthwhile to spend human and material resources to fight against death or not. Keep in mind that Italy already has so many deaths that military vehicles are lining up to pull bodies, and some hospitals in the Lombardy region are in a tragic state full of the dead.

In the absence of medical resources, Italy's government has no choice but to use its limited medical resources to effectively treat young people on, in order to allow more people to survive. Having said that, I would also like to say a little bit of my own opinion, save the old man or save the child is a heavy topic, many countries need to face the choice, but our country is due to receive all, all people can get saved, thanks to the help between the provinces, thanks to the government's executive power, thanks to the country's strong, under the epidemic, the most fortunate is that they are a Chinese.