What does plcc mean?

PICC definition: a catheter punctured and cannulated from a peripheral vein (basic vein, median cubital vein, cephalic vein), with the head end located in the superior vena cava or subclavian vein, used to provide patients with medium and long-term Intravenous infusion therapy (7 days to 1 year).

PICC is the abbreviation of peripheral venous puncture central venous catheterization. In order to protect the blood vessels in the patient's arm and safely inject chemotherapy drugs, the doctor extends the catheter from the vein in the patient's arm to a large vein close to the heart. A method of tube placement.

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Extended information:

PICC Indications for use: Indications: patients who require long-term intravenous infusion, chemotherapy, parenteral nutrition, drugs that stimulate peripheral veins, lack of peripheral venous access, patients in home beds, premature infants. Contraindications: Poor condition of elbow veins, infection or damage at the puncture site, and affected arm veins after breast cancer surgery.

PICC can reduce the pain of repeated venipuncture for cancer patients during chemotherapy, and can avoid tissue damage and vascular toxicity caused by extravasation of chemotherapy drugs; at the same time, it is easy to care for, has a long indwelling time, and has few complications. It solves the problem of long treatment cycle for tumor patients and the damage of chemotherapy drugs to veins and local tissues. It plays a positive role in ensuring that patients cooperate with treatment and complete the chemotherapy plan.

/www.cz96120.com/Article/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=2973"target="_blank"title="Official website of Cangzhou Central Hospital—Our hospital has established a PICC catheterization clinic">Cangzhou City Center Hospital official website—Our hospital has established a PICC catheterization clinic