Computer hard disk FCC certification test which items?

Computer Hard Drives FCC Certification Test Items

(1) FCC Part 15-Computing Devices, Cordless Telephones, Satellite Receivers, Television Interface Devices, Receivers, Low-Power Transmitters, Cordless Mice;

(2) FCC Part 18-Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Devices, i.e., microwave;

(3) Radio Frequency Lighting Ballasts (ISM)

(4) FCC Part 22-Cellular Telephones

(5) FCC Part 24-Personal Communications Systems covering licensed personal communications services;

(6) FCC Part 68-All types of telecommunication termination equipment i.e., telephones, modems, etc.;

The following information is required for FCC certification of a computer hard disk:

1. The applicant's name, product name, model number, address, phone number, fax number, contact person and his/her position

2. For the transmitting portion, the frequency of the base wave to which the transmission is to be made (it is best to provide the band to be used)

3. The applicant's FCC Registration Number (FRN) of the applicant.

4. FCCID including GranteeCode company code (3-digit alphanumeric or numeric), and product code (1-14 digit alphanumeric or numeric)

5. FCClabel position and its specifications

6. Simple working principle, function description

7. Block diagram

8. >

8. Circuit diagram

9. Simple instructions for use