1, look at each number of the column of the item and the corresponding number. ECG represents the electrocardiogram, the number at the ECG or HR refers to the heart rate; SPO2 represents the oxygen saturation; NIBP represents the non-invasive blood pressure (IBP is invasive); RR represents the respiratory rate; TEMP represents the body temperature.
2. The normal heart rate is 60-100 beats/min; the normal oxygen saturation is 95%-99%; the normal systolic blood pressure is 90-140mmHg, and the normal diastolic blood pressure is 60-90mmHg.
It is recommended to use it in accordance with the instruction manual or under the guidance of a doctor.
Extended information:
Basic principles
By detecting the heart's electrical activity at the heart's electrical activity by detecting changes in the potential difference (i.e., lead) between two specific points on the human body surface to reflect the heart's working status.
Electrocardiogram- The rhythmic contraction and diastole of the heart is the power source of blood circulation in the blood vessels, and the excitation and propagation of excitation in cardiac myocytes is based on the bioelectrical activity of the cell membranes. The totality of the bioelectrical activity of all cardiac cell membranes constitutes the electrocardiographic signal.
Electrocardiogram-The electrocardiogram signal is transmitted through the body tissues to the body surface, where it is monitored by electrocardiographic electrodes and traced out on a time axis, constituting an electrocardiogram.
Monitors are generally capable of monitoring multi-conducting or 12-conducting electrocardiograms (ECGs) and can further analyze the ECG waveforms, such as: arrhythmia analysis, pacing analysis, ST-segment analysis.
Monitoring ECG is not a complete substitute for a standard electrocardiograph; current monitored ECG waveforms generally do not provide the finer structure of the ECG waveform, and the two instruments have different bandwidths in the measurement circuit.