What does a mercury slip ring do

I. The concept of mercury slip ring

What is mercury slip ring? Simply put, it is a kind of conductive rotary joint with mercury as the fluid medium, which is a kind of industrial parts. Mercury slip ring, also known as mercury conductive ring or mercury conductive slip ring, mercury rotary joint.

Two. Mercury conductive slip ring and the advantages of traditional slip ring

Mercury conductive slip ring and the traditional carbon brush slip ring is the biggest difference is that it is mainly liquid mercury as a conductive medium, will be the fixed end and the rotating end of the integrated together, rotating without the use of carbon brushes to conductive transfer, and the direct use of mercury to conductive transfer. Slip ring mainly refers to the connection between the two parts, between the active parts and fixed parts, the use of brushes as a signal transfer connection of a precision parts, it realizes the two relative rotating parts between the current, power, temperature signal transfer, mercury slip ring mainly refers to the transmission medium is mainly mercury-based slip ring. It is very different from the traditional collector ring, the advantage is the use of reliable, high precision, support high ring channel, high current.

Three. Mercury conductive slip ring characteristics

Mercury slip ring compared to other slip ring, because the medium is fluid, resulting in its compact structure, small size characteristics, this feature, the main role in the field of special micro-precision instruments are not mercury slip ring. It is because of the characteristics of mercury, slip rings rotate without wear, life than the general many times longer than the conductive rotary joints in the need for frequent rotation, it is very suitable. As the rotating part of no complex physical and mechanical structure makes the product more reliable and maintenance-free, no noise, no noise, high speed, low price signal distortion, contact resistance is small, to pass more current. It is with these characteristics above, the advantages of mercury slip ring makes its products very attractive and competitive. Although expensive, but in many areas have a place.

Four. Mercury slip ring applications

The conductivity of mercury is very strong, so the traditional electric slip ring applications of mercury slip ring can be replaced, but due to the relatively high manufacturing cost of mercury slip ring, it is recommended to be used in precision, high-end equipment.

● Industrial machinery - machining centers, rotary tables, lifting equipment towers, spooling wheels, test equipment, packaging machinery, etc.

● Magnetic actuators, processing program control equipment, rotary sensors, emergency lighting, robotics, radar, etc.

● Manufacturing and control equipment,

● Exhibition / display equipment, consumer electronics, rotary light boxes, horizontal silver-plated wires, dyeing equipment

● Medical equipment, surgical lights, tube cameras

V. Installation method of mercury slip ring

For the small size and high precision of the mercury slip ring, its press to turn fixed are a very difficult problem, how to install it is considered more correct and reasonable, first of all, the mercury slip ring is fixed to one end of the rotary axis. Coaxiality with the rotating shaft will affect the service life of the slip ring. Secondly, both ends of the mercury slip ring can be rotated, which end can be fixed. Moreover, we must use the terminals provided with the slip ring to ensure the service life, and never directly weld the wires to the slip ring terminals. Jingpai Electronics is always ready to help you solve all the problems and questions you encounter during the installation of mercury slip rings.

Six. How to buy mercury slip ring

The quality of mercury slip ring is mainly reflected in: withstand current, speed, withstand voltage, speed, frequency, insulation impedance and so on.

Since mercury slip ring is more expensive compared to traditional electric slip ring, you must choose the right mercury slip ring for you when you buy mercury slip ring. JINPAT electronic according to your needs, for your professional recommendation of the most set and your slip ring.

VII. The technical advantages of JINPAT's mercury slip rings

Made of special sealing, insulation and conductive technology, the shell is made of aluminum alloy or stainless steel;

Extremely low electrical noise, less than 1 milliohm contact resistance;

Suitable for rotating and conductive applications with large currents in small systems;

No need for maintenance, more durable than traditional slip rings;

Adaptable to any rotating signals such as Adaptable to any rotating signals such as small voltages, currents, EMFs, thermocouples, Straingauge, audio-visual signals, high frequency, computer signals and electrical connections
