Overview of the northern part of Shenyang city sewage treatment plant

North Shenyang City sewage treatment plant is a modern sewage treatment plant has been built for many years, designed to treat 400,000 tons of sewage per day, the total investment is 600 million yuan. However, since the plant was built and put into operation, it has not played its due role. It uses the more traditional activated sludge method.

The sewage into the water plant, through the grating to the water collection room, elevated by the pump to the advection sand sedimentation tank by the primary sedimentation tank precipitation, about to go to the beginning of SS 45%, BOD 25%. Sewage into the aeration tank in the aeration, can be from a point into the water, using the traditional activated sludge method, can also be used in multiple points into the water stage aeration method. In the secondary sedimentation tank, the activated sludge settles and flows back to the sludge pump room. The effluent from the secondary sedimentation tank is chlorinated and discharged into the water body.

Oh, time has passed, do not remember too clearly, the general treatment process remember should be so.

Now other new wastewater treatment method are using biofilm method.