Injection molding? A method of producing molding for industrial products. Products usually use rubber injection molding and plastic injection molding. Injection molding can also be divided into injection molding molding method and die casting method. Injection molding machine (referred to as injection molding machine or injection molding machine) is the thermoplastic or thermosetting material using plastic molding molds to make a variety of shapes of plastic products of the main molding equipment, injection molding is through the injection molding machine and mold.
Extrusion? Material through the extruder barrel and the role of the screw between the side of the heat plasticization, the side of the screw is pushed forward, continuous through the head and made of a variety of cross-section products or semi-products of a processing method.
Rotational molding? Also known as rotational molding, rotational molding, rotational molding, rotational casting, rotational molding, etc., the molding method is the first measurement of plastic (liquid or powder) to join the mold, in the mold after the mold is closed, so that it rotates along the two vertical rotation axis.
At the same time so that the mold heating, mold plastic material in the role of gravity and heat, gradually and uniformly coated, fused and adhered to the entire surface of the mold cavity, molded into the same shape as the mold cavity, and then cooled and shaped, demolded to obtain the desired shape of the product.
Blow molding? Also known as hollow blow molding, it is a rapidly developing method of processing plastics. Thermoplastic resin by extrusion or injection molding of tubular plastic parison, while hot (or heated to a soft state), placed in the folio mold, closed immediately after the mold into the parison of compressed air, so that the plastic parison blowing and tightly adhering to the mold wall, after cooling demolding, that is, to obtain a variety of hollow products.
Blister? A plastic processing technology, the main principle is to spread the hard plastic sheet heating soften, using vacuum adsorption on the mold surface, after cooling molding, and applied to various industries in a technical process.
Molding? Also known as compression molding or compression molding, is the first powder, granular or fibrous plastic into the mold cavity at the molding temperature, and then close the mold pressure and make its shape and curing operations. Compression molding can be used for thermosetting plastics, thermoplastics and rubber materials.
Calendering? The molten thermoplastic plastic through two or more parallel anisotropic rotating rollers gap, so that the melt by the roller extrusion extension, stretching and become a certain size and meet the quality requirements of the continuous sheet products, and finally by the natural cooling of the molding method. Calendering process is commonly used in the production of plastic film or sheet.
Foam molding? is the process of adding appropriate blowing agents to foamed materials (PVC, PE and PS, etc.) to create a microporous structure in the plastic. Almost all thermoset and thermoplastic plastics can be made into foam, and foam molding has become an important field in plastics processing.
Microfoam Flowchart (Source: ofweek)
Microfoam Flowchart
Wrap Molding? The process is to wind the continuous fiber (or cloth tape, pre-impregnated yarn) soaked with resin glue to the core mold according to a certain law, and then after curing and demolding, to obtain the product.
Lamination molding? refers to the heating, pressurization of multiple layers of the same or different materials combined with the overall molding process. Commonly used in plastics processing, but also used in rubber processing.
Coating molding? is the use of plastic sol or organic sol coating on the surface of cloth or paper and other substrates, made of imitation leather products, paint cloth or plastic wallpaper, etc., or powdered plastic coated on the metal surface of the process. Common plastic coated products are artificial leather, paint cloth, plastic wallpaper and a variety of metal coated products.
Pouring molding? Is a method of plastic processing. Early casting is at atmospheric pressure will be liquid monomer or prepolymer see polymer injected into the mold, by polymerization and curing molding into the same shape as the mold cavity products.
60s appeared nylon monomer casting see polyamide with the development of molding technology, the traditional concept of casting has changed, polymer solution, dispersion refers to PVC paste and melt can also be used for casting molding.
Drip molding? technology is the use of thermoplastic polymer materials with the state of variable characteristics, that is, under certain conditions with viscous flow, and at room temperature can be restored to the solid state characteristics, and the use of appropriate methods and specialized tools inkjet, in its viscous flow state according to the requirements of shaping into the design of the form, and then cured at room temperature molding.
Cold compression molding? is a type of compression molding. Unlike ordinary compression molding, the material is pressurized and molded at room temperature. The molded product can be reheated or chemically cooked after being removed from the mold.
Compression molding? Mainly used in the production of thermosetting plastic products. Molding after heating to make it melt, pressurized punch mold, and then after heating crosslinking curing, demolding that is the product.
Resin transfer molding? is the process of injecting resin into a closed mold to infiltrate the reinforcing material and curing. This technology can eliminate the need for prepregs and hot press tanks, effectively reducing equipment costs and molding costs.
The technology has developed rapidly in recent years, in the aircraft industry, automotive industry, naval industry and other fields of application, and research and development of RFI, VARTM, SCRIMP, SPRINT and other branches, to meet the needs of different areas of application.
Extrusion? is a punch or a convex die placed in the concave die pressure on the blank, so that it produces plastic flow, so as to obtain corresponding to the shape of the mold hole or concave-convex mold shape of the parts of a pressure processing method. When extruded, the billet produces three-way compressive stress, and even billets with low plasticity can be extruded.
Hot forming? is a more specialized plastics processing method for processing thermoplastic sheets into a variety of products. A more specialized plastics processing method of processing thermoplastic sheets into a variety of products. The sheet is clamped to a frame and heated to a softened state, and under the action of an external force, it is made to adhere to the profile of the mold in order to obtain a shape similar to that of the profile. After cooling and shaping, it is trimmed to form a product.
Handmade molding? Also known as hand-laminated molding, contact molding, refers to the mold coated with release agent, the use of manual work, that is, while laying the reinforcing material, while applying the resin until the thickness of the required plastic products, and then through the curing and demolding of the plastic products obtained by this process.
Laser Rapid Prototyping (LaserRapidPrototyping: LRP) is a new manufacturing technology that integrates advanced technologies such as CAD, CAM, CNC, lasers, precision servo drives and new materials. Compared with the traditional manufacturing methods have: the reproducibility of the prototype, high interchangeability.
Manufacturing process has nothing to do with manufacturing the geometry of the prototype; processing cycle is short, low cost, the general manufacturing costs reduced by 50%, the processing cycle is shortened by more than 70%; a high degree of technological integration to realize the integration of design and manufacturing.
Fused deposition molding? (FDM, Fused Deposition Modeling), a process that involves melt deposition at a fixed rate by extruding filamentary materials such as thermoplastics, waxes, or metals from a heated nozzle, following a predetermined trajectory for each layer of the part.
CNC?A computer numerically controlled machine tool is an automated machine tool equipped with a programmed control system. The control system is capable of logically processing a program with control codes or other symbolic instructions and decoding it to cause the machine to move and process parts.
3D printing (3DP) is a type of rapid prototyping technology that uses a digital model file as the basis for constructing an object by printing layer by layer, using bondable materials such as powdered metals or plastics.3D printing is usually accomplished by using a digital technology material printer.
Often used in the field of mold manufacturing, industrial design and other areas of the manufacturing model, and gradually used in the direct manufacture of some products, there has been the use of this technology printed parts.
There are many different technologies for 3D printing. They differ in the way that parts are created in the materials available and built in different layers.Common materials used for 3D printing are nylon fiberglass, polylactic acid, ABS resin, durable nylon materials, gypsum materials, aluminum materials, titanium alloys, stainless steel, silver-plated, gold-plated, and rubber-like materials.