What is the tax classification code of booster pump?

The tax classification code of booster pump is 84 14 1000. According to the Import Tariff of People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Export Tariff of People's Republic of China (PRC), tariff classification code refers to the standards for the classification of import and export commodities, and is also the basis for the customs to collect tariffs, count trade data and supervise the import and export of commodities. The tariff classification code consists of 10 digits, in which the first to sixth digits are called "tariff codes", indicating the items, categories and properties of commodities. The tax classification code of booster pump is 84 14 1000. Among them, 84 14 stands for "gas compressor, fan; Vacuum pumps and compressors, and fans that compress air or other gases ",and booster pumps are one of them, so their tax classification code is 84 14 1000.