Googling, you can see the news of Chang Gung Hospital's clarification as well as that of TVBS News:
This is the news of TVBS: A video has been circulating on the net recently, saying that Chang Gung Hospital has introduced the latest medical technology. The video said that Chang Gung Hospital has introduced the latest medical technology, which can directly suck out the blood clots in the blood vessels like a "vacuum cleaner" instead of using the traditional stent treatment, and many patients have inquired about it, but Chang Gung also clarified that it has not introduced such a medical instrument at present, and that such a technology is only an idealization, which is not feasible for the cardiac blood vessels, and it may lead to complications.
Reporter Xie Peiying: "Recently, a video of a 'vascular vacuum cleaner' has been circulating on the Internet, and many patients thought that this was a new medical technology, but in fact, after asking their doctors, they found out that this is not feasible at the moment," she said.
The Chang Gung Hospital, which was named as having this medical technology, claimed to have a new type of medical device that can be put into a blood vessel and sucked to remove blood clots from the vessel, eliminating the need for stenting, but Chang Gung clarified that it was a misrepresentation.
Lin Jiaqiong, an attending physician at the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Changgeng Hospital, said, "The most commonly used method still requires the use of a balloon to dilate and place a stent, and the only way to get rid of the blood clots is to pump them out of the bloodstream, which is in fact half of the work, and in terms of that, we don't have it at Changgeng Hospital.
People: "Similar patients have done it or doctors have come out to recognize that this is feasible, so our sense of trust will be a little higher."
The doctor then said that such a treatment is in fact only an idealized concept of removing red blood clots from blood vessels by suction, and is not a complete cure.
Huang Chien-Lung, a cardiovascular physician at Hsin Ching Hospital, said, "The cholesterol plaque is actually connected to our blood vessels.
Particularly over time, the cholesterol in the blood vessels hoarded for a long time to form yellow plaque, more narrowing of the blood vessels, blood does not flow, triggering a stroke or narrow heart disease are possible, but the removal of plaque in the blood vessels, and even more can not be handled in a therapeutic way as in the film.
Huang Jianlong, a cardiovascular physician at Zhenxing Hospital, said, "It is possible that in the process of spinning and grinding, the walls of the blood vessels were broken by you, and the blood flowed out on the spot, and the blood vessels of the heart were ruptured.
There are currently 25,000 patients per year in Taiwan who need cardiac catheterization surgery and vascular plaque or thrombus removal, but the medical community agrees that a rapid aspiration treatment like the one shown in the film is not feasible and may lead to complications.