There are 20,000 airports in the United States, which equates to 15,000 people, one airport.
Texas alone has nearly 2,000+ airports.
The country with the second most airports in the world besides the US is Brazil, but the total number of Brazilian airports is also less than 800.
Russia has only 600 airports, and China has only 500 airports. The US alone can kill the second, third, and fourth countries, swoon!
It's not that 20,000 airports are public flights or anything like that, or how big those flights wander. Still, the U.S. is No. 1 based on total air travelers. It's not leading the world by an exaggerated tenfold, though.
The number of airports is of course also important, and the US has one airport for every 10,000 people, which is the equivalent of having two airports for all the towns in China. Even if there are no airlines operating, at least those who do business (or government) can travel from one place to another, and there is no other place in the world except the US where they can enjoy similar privileges.
And it goes without saying that the U.S. has super-high private scale airplanes, at all.
What percentage of the world's airports are in the US? Well, a map (? _?) :
There's one India, one China, one Russia, one Brazil, one Argentina, one Mexico, one UK, one France, one Japan, one Germany, and the sum of the other Middle Eastern countries combined, one Ukraine, one Netherlands, one Canada, one Pakistan, one Iran, one Italy, one Ireland, one Spain, one Turkey, one Southeast Asia, an Africa, a one you a North Korea plus South Korea, a Western Europe ......
Sure enough, after all the countries are added up, it's not as much as the United States -_-||
Come on now don't talk about the Air Force for an Army.
The United States Army English (United States Army)
is one of the United States armed forces composition, mainly responsible for land warfare, he was formed in June 14, 1775, by 2017, the Chinese Ministry of Finance and Statistics statistics, the existing military personnel of about 460,000 people.
The National Guard has 335,000 soldiers, and the U.S. Army Reserve has 155,000 men per month, Ji was the alias of the United States during the Second World War. Currently, the world's second-largest total number of people, the first place in the integrated combat power, the ground armed forces.
Chinese name United States Army
Foreign name? United States Army
Founded? June 14, 1775 - present day
Country/Region? United States
Type? Army
Function? Ground combat
Size 990,000 (2017)
Marching song? Army Song
Observance Army Day (June 14)
Dedicated colors? Black and Gold
Abbreviation? U.S. ARMY
Currently the U.S. Army is equipped with the 2.75-inch Rocket System ("Hydra")
Improved Abrams Main Battle Tank (M1A2)
Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS)
Advanced Threat Infrared Countermeasures/Common Missile Warning System (ATIRCM/CMWS)
"Air Warrior" (AW)
Air/Missile Defense Plans and Control System (AMDPCS)
Low Altitude Airborne Reconnaissance (ARL) Systems
Army All-Terrain Lift Systems (ATLAs)
Armored Knights
Armored Surveillance Vehicles (ASVs)
Army Key Management System (AKMS)
Artillery Ammunition
Aviation Synthetic Air Component Tactical Training Equipment (AVCATT)
Operational Command Support and Assurance System (BCS3)
Biometric Enablement Capability (BEC)
Blackhawk Helicopter/UH-60
"Bradley" Fighting Vehicle System Upgrade
Calibration Setting Equipment (CALSETS)
Chemical Biomedical Systems - Diagnostic
Chemical Biomedical Systems - Prevention
Chemical Biomedical Systems/Transformational Medical Technologies - Treatment
Biochemical Protective Shelters (CBPS)
CBRN Walking Reconnaissance Kits, Kits, and Complete Outfits (CBRN DR SKO)
Chemical Weapons Destruction Systems<
Chinook Helicopter (CH-47)
Close Combat Tactical Training System (CCTT)
Combat Service Support Communications (CSS Comms)
Command Post Systems and Integration (CPS&I)
Common Hardware System (CHS)
Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station (CROWS)
Counter-Covered Target Engagement (CDTE) System - XM25
Counter-Mine System (C-MS)
Counter-Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C -RAM) System
Defense Enterprise Planning Wideband Satellite Communications System (DEWSS)
Army Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS-A)
Distributed Learning System (DLS)
Dry Pontoon Bridge (DSB)
Early Infantry Brigade Combat Team (E-IBCT) Capability IBCT Increment 1
Enhanced Low and Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System (EMARSS)
Excalibur Extended Range Artillery Shell (XM982)
Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV)
Fixed-Wing Aircraft (FWA)
Force Protection System (FP)
Force Provisioning Station (FP)
21st Century Brigade and Sub-Brigade Force Combatant Command System (FBCB2)
Forward Area Air Defense Command and Control System (FAAD C2)
Future Tank Main Gun Ammunition (FTMGA)
General Investment Enterprise Business Management System (GFEBS)
Army Global Combat Support System (GCSS-Army)
Army Global Command and Control System (GCCS-A)
Gray Eagle "Extended Range Multi-Purpose (ERMP) Unmanned Aircraft System (uAs)
Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV)
Guardrail Common Sensor (GR/CS)
Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) Improved Dual Purpose Conventional Munition (DPICM)/Single/Replaceable Warhead (Tactical Rocket)
Heavy Extended Range High Mobility Tactical Truck (HEM7T) / HEMTT Extended Service Program (ESP)
Heavy Duty Loader (HDL)
Hellfire Missile Family (HDMF)
Helmet Mounted Night Vision Device (HMNVD)
High Mobility Rocket Artillery System (HIMARS)
High Mobility Engineering Excavator (HMEE) I and III
High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMwV) family
Improved Environmental Control Unit (IECU)
Improved Ribbon Boat Bridge (IRB)
Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS)
Military Facility Protection System (IPP)
Integrated Multi-Purpose Laser Engagement Training System (I-MILEs)
Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD)
Integrated Family of Test Equipment (IFTE)
"Interceptor "Body Armor"
"Javelin" Man-portable Anti-tank Missile (MANPAD)
Joint Automatic Identification Technology (J-AIT)
Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM)
Joint Battle Command Platform (JBC -P)
Joint Biological Weapons Surveillance System (JBPDS)
Joint Biological Weapons Remote Detection System (JBSDS)
Joint Tactical Biological Detection System (JBTDS)
Joint Combat Vehicle Occupant Biochemical Protective Suit (JC3)
Joint Chemical Weapons Detector ( JCAD)
Joint Waterborne Biochemical Radioactive Material Monitor (JCBRAwM)
Joint Effectiveness Model (JEM)
Joint Targeting System (JETS) Target Location Indication System (TLDS)
Joint High-Speed Vessel (JHSV)
Joint Land-to-Land Cruise Missile Defense Aerial Sensor Network System (JLENS)
Joint Ground Force Constructed Training System (JLCCTC)
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV)
Joint Personnel Identity Version 2 (JPIv2)
Joint Precision Aerial Delivery System (JPADS)
Joint Service General Purpose Mask (JSGPM)< /p>
Small Joint Service Mobile Decontamination System (JSTDS-SS)
Joint Tactical Ground Station (JTAGS)
Joint Tactical Radio System - Airborne, Maritime/Fixed (JTRS AMF)
Joint Tactical Radio System - Ground Mobile Radio (JTRS GMR)
Joint Tactical Radio System - Handheld, Portable, and Miniaturized (JTRS HMS)
Joint Tactical Radio System -Multifunctional Information Distribution System (JTRS MIDS)
Joint Tactical Radio System - Network Planning Domain (JTRS NED)
Joint Warning and Alerting Network (JWARN)
"Kiowa Warrior Helicopter (OH-58D)
Light Tactical Trailer (LTT)
Light Utility Helicopter (LUH)/UH-72A "Lakota Lakota"
Light 12.7mm machine gun (XM806)
Light 155mm howitzer (LW155)
Light laser light direction/ranging device (LLDR) AN/PED-1
Long haul truck
Load handling system compatible with the LUH. p> Load Handling System (LHS) Compatible Tank Rack (Hippo)
Longbow Apache Armed Helicopter (AH-64D) (LBA)
Battle Injury Medical Communications System (MCMS) Rescue Medical Communications System (MC4)
Medical Simulation Training Center (MSTC)
Medium Caliber Ammunition (MCA)
Medium and Low Altitude Augmented Range Air Defense System (MEADS)
Meteorological Measurement - Profilers (MMS -P)
Mine Protected Vehicle Family (MPVF)
Mine Resistant Anti-Ambush Protected Vehicle (MRAP)
Motorized Maintenance Equipment System (MMES)
Modular Fueling System (MFS)
Mortar System (MFS)
Mounted Soldier System (MSS)
Mobile Tracking System (MTS)
Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) M270A1
Navigation Navigation Satellite for Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR) Global Positioning System (GPS)
"Knight Warrior" (NW) program (formally known as the "Ground Soldier System")
Night Vision Thermal Sensing System - Thermal Weapon Sight (TWS)
Non-Intrusive Inspection System (NIIS)
"Stryker "Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle (NBCRV)
Single Semi-Automated Simulated Force System (OneSAF)
Paladin/Field Artillery Ammunition Replenishment Vehicle (F AlASV)
Palletized Loading System (PLS) and Palletizing Systems Business Expansion Program (ESlP)
Patriot I-3 Missile (PAC-3)
Precision Guidance Kit (PGK)
Prophet System ( Prophet)
Raven Small Unmanned Aircraft System (SuAS)
Rugged Terrain Container Handler (RTCH)
Visually Restricted (Vr) Cover Shade (SOD)
Secure Mobility Anti Jamming Reliable Tactical Terminal ( SMART-T)
Sentinel Radar System
Shadow Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System (TUAS)
Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems ( SINCGARs)
Light Weapons - Detachment Combat Weapons (DCW)
Light Weapons - Man-Portable Weapons (MPW)
Small Caliber Ammunition (SCA)
Sniper Night Sight (SNS), AN/PVS 10
Spider System
Stryker Vehicle Family
Land-based Advanced Medium-Range Air-Air Missile (SLAMRAAM)
Tactical Battle Command (TBC)/Mobility Control System (MCS)
Tactical Electric Power (TEP) System
Tank Ammunition Family (TA)
Test Equipment Modernization (TEMOD)
2nd Generation Logistics Automated Dispatch System (TC-AIMS II)
Tube Launch, Tube-Launched, Visually-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) Missile (TOW)
Unit Water Tank System (2nd Generation Camel)
Warfighter Tactical Information Network (WIN-T) Enhancement Plan 1
Combatant Tactical Information Network (WIN-T) Enhancement Plan 2
Combatant Tactical Information Network (WIN-T) Enhancement Plan 3
Weapons of Mass Destruction Elimination System (WMDES) 2.75-inch Rocket System (Sea-Dra)
Unit Water Pod System (2nd generation Camel)
Abrams Main Battle Tank Improvement (M1A2)
Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS)
Advanced Threat Infrared Countermeasures/Common Missile Warning System (ATIRCM/CMWS )
"Air Warrior" (AW)
Air/Missile Defense Planning and Control System (AMDPCS)
Airborne Reconnaissance at Low Altitude (ARL) System
Army All-Terrain Lift Systems (ATLAs)
"Armored Knights"
Armored Surveillance Vehicles (ASVs)
Army Key Management System (AKMS)
Artillery Ammunition
Aerospace Composite Vehicle Tactical Training Equipment (AVCATT)
Combat Command Support Assurance System (BCS3)
Biometric Enablement Capability (BEC)
Black Hawk Helicopter/UH-60
Bradley Fighting Vehicle System Upgrade
Calibration Setup Equipment (CALSETS)
Chemical Biomedical Systems - Diagnostic
Chemical Biomedical Systems - Preventive
Chemical Biomedical Systems/Transformational Medical Technologies - Treatment
Biochemical Protective Shelter (CBPS)
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Walking Reconnaissance Kits, Kits, and Complete Outfits (CBRN DR SKO)
Chemical Weapons Destruction System (CWDS)
Chinook Helicopter (CH -47)
Close Combat Tactical Training System (CCTT)
Combat Service Support Communications (CSS Comms)
Command Post Systems and Integration (CPS&I)
Common Hardware System (CHS)
Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station (CROWS)
Counter-Covered Target Engagement (CDTE) System - XM25
Counter-Mine System (C-MS)
Counter-Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar (C-RAM) System (C-RAM)
Defense Establishment Planning Wideband Satellite Communications System (DEWSS )
Army Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS-A)
Distributed Learning System (DLS)
Dry Pontoon Bridge (DSB)
Early Infantry Brigade Combat Team (E-IBCT) Capability IBCT Increment 1
Enhanced Low and Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System (EMARSS)
Excalibur Extended Range Artillery Shell (XM982)
Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV)
Fixed Wing Aircraft (FWA)
Force Protection System (FPS)
Force Protection Stations (FP)
Forward Area Air Defense Command and Control System (FAAD C2)
Future Tank Main Artillery Ammunition (FTMGA)
Generic Investment Enterprise Business Management System (GFEBS)
Army Global Combat Support System (GCSS) -Army)
Army Global Command and Control System (GCCS-A)
Gray Eagle Extended Range Multi-Purpose (ERMP) Unmanned Aircraft System (uAs)
Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV)
Guardrail Common Sensor (GR/CS)
Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) Improved Dual Purpose Conventional Munition (DPICM)/Single/Replaceable Warhead (Tactical Rocket)
Heavy Extended-Range, Highly Mobilizable Tactical Truck (HEM7T)/HEMTT Extended Service Program (ESP)
Heavy Loaders
Hellfire Missile Family
Helmet Mounted Night Vision Devices (HMNVD)
High Mobility Rocket Artillery Systems (HIMARS)
High Mobility Engineered Excavators (HMEE) I and III
High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMwV) series
Improved Environmental Control Unit (IECU)
Improved Ribbon Boat Bridge (IRB)
Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS)
Military Installation Protection System (IPP)
Multi-Purpose Integrated Laser Engagement Training Systems (I- MILEs)
Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD)
Integrated Family of Test Equipment (IFTE)
Interceptor body armor
Javelin man-portable Anti-tank Missile (ATM)
Joint Automatic Identification Technology (J-AIT)
Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM)
Joint Battle Command Platform (JBC-P)
Joint Biological Weapons Surveillance System (JBPDS)
Joint Biological Weapons Remote Detection System (JBSDS)
Joint Tactical Biodetection System (JBTDS)
Joint Combat Vehicle Crew Bio-Chemical Protective Clothing (JC3)
Joint Chemical Weapons Detector (JCAD)
Joint Source Biological, Chemical, and Radiological Material Monitor (JCBRAwM)
Joint Effectiveness Model (JEM)
Joint Targeting System (JETS) Target Location Indication System (TLDS)
Joint High-Speed Vessel (JHSV)
Joint Land-to-Land Cruise Missile Defense Airborne Sensor Network System (JLENS)
Joint Ground Force Constructed Training System (JLCCTC)
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle ( JLTV)
Joint Personnel Identification Version 2 (JPIv2)
Joint Precision Aerial Delivery System (JPADS)
Joint Service General Purpose Mask (JSGPM)
Joint Service Small Mobile Decontamination System (JSTDS-SS)
Joint Tactical Ground Station (JTAGS)
Joint Tactical Radio System - Airborne, Maritime/Fixed (JTRS AMF)
Joint Tactical Radio System - Ground Mobile Radio (JTRS GMR)
Joint Tactical Radio System - Handheld, Portable, and Small Equipment (JTRS HMS)
Joint Tactical Radio System - Multifunctional Information Distribution System (JTRS MIDS)
Joint Tactical Radio System -Network Planning Domain (JTRS NED)
Joint Warning and Alerting Network (JWARN)
Kiowa Warrior Helicopter (OH-58D)
Light Tactical Trailer (LTT)
Light Utility Helicopter (LUH)/UH-72A "Lakota"
Light 12.7mm Machine Gun (XM806)
Light 155mm Howitzer ( LW155)
Lightweight Laser Direction/Distance Finding (LLDR) AN/PED-1
Long Distance Delivery Truck (LDT)
Load Handling System (LHS) Compatible Tank Rack (Hippo)
Longbow Apache (Lakota)
Lightweight 12.7mm Machine Gun (XM806)
Lightweight 155mm Howitzer (LW155)
"Longbow Apache helicopter gunship (AH-64D) (LBA)
Combat Casualty Medical Communication System (MC4)
Medical Simulation Training Center (MSTC)
Medium Caliber Ammunition (MCA)
Medium Low Altitude Augmented Range Air Defense System (MEADS)
Meteorological Measurement-Profiler (MMS-P)
Mine Protected Vehicle Family (MPVF)
Mine Resistant Anti-Ambush Protected Vehicle (MRAP)
Maneuverable Maintenance Equipment System ( MMES)
Modular Fuel System (MFS)
Mortar System (MFS)
Mounted Soldier System (MSS)
Mobile Tracking System (MTS)
Multi-Launch Rocket System (MLRS) M270A1
Navigational Navigation Satellite for Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR) Global Positioning System (GPS)
Nate Warrior (NW) program (formally Ground Soldier System (GS))
Night Vision Thermal Sensing System (NVTSS) - Thermal Sensitive Weapon Sight (TWS)
Non-Intrusive Inspection System (NIIS)
Stryker Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle (NBCRV)
Single Semi-Automated Simulated Force System (OneSAF)
Paladin "/Field Artillery Ammunition Supply Vehicle (F AlASV)
Palletized Load System (PLS) and Palletized Load System Business Expansion Program (ESlP)
Patriot I-3 Missile (PAC-3) p>
Precision Guidance Kit (PGK)
Prophet System (Prophet)
Raven Small Unmanned Aircraft System (SuAS)
Rugged Terrain Container Handler ( RTCH)
Visually Restricted (Vr) Cover Shading Device (SOD)
Secure Mobility Anti-Jamming Reliable Tactical Terminal (SMART-T)
Sentinel Radar System (SIR)
"Shadow Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System (TUAS)
Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems (SINCGARs)
Light Weapons - Detachment Combat Weapons
Light Weapons --Single Action Weapons (SAW)
Small Caliber Ammunition (SCA)
Sniper Night Sight (SNS), AN/PVS-10
"Spider" System
"Stryker Vehicle Family
Land-based Advanced Medium-Range Air-Air Missile (SLAMRAAM)
Tactical Battle Command (TBC)/Mobility Control System (MCS)
Tactical Electrical Power (TEP) System
Tank Ammunition Family (TA)
Test Equipment Modernization (TEMOD)
2nd Generation Logistics Automated Movement System (TC-AIMS II)
Tube-Launched, Visually-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) Missile (TOW)
Unit Water Chamber System (2nd Generation Camel)
Combatant Tactical Information Network (WIN-T) Upgrade Program 1
Combatant Tactical Information Network (WIN-T) Upgrade Program 2
Combatant Tactical Information Network (WIN-T) Upgrade Program 2
Combatant Tactical WIN-T Enhancement Program 3
Equipment such as WMD removal systems.
Can take on the USSR
America's M1A2 tanks can take on the USSR single-handedly.