I would like to know what the EN 61010:2001 standard is, with the IEC or GBT there is no same!

61010 series of standards are the so-called "harmonized standard" (harmonized standard), the standard number are 6 words beginning with 5 digits, such as 60950 (IT equipment), 60335 (small household appliances), 60601 (medical equipment), 61010 series contains three major categories of products, test and measurement equipment (such as multimeters), laboratory equipment (or laboratory equipment, such as microscopes). The 61010 series consists of three categories of products, test and measurement equipment (such as multimeters), laboratory equipment (or laboratory equipment, such as microscopes), and industrial control equipment (such as PLCs)

Generally, there are IEC standards (such as IEC 61010-1), and then, basically the same year there will be a European standard (EN61010-1),

Slightly later there will be the U.S. UL61010-1 and Canada's CSA 61010-1, and the corresponding national standard 4793.1 is also basically translated. The updates to the national standards tend to lag far behind the IEC standards.

If you want to export your products to the European Union, you need to comply with EN61010-1, you said the name of the standard is the whole system called, in fact, subdivided into 61010-1 part and 61010-2-xx part, the former is the general requirements, while the latter is for some specific products additional requirements (such as centrifuges correspond to 61010-2-020)