Indian companies order Chinese oxygen machine, India is currently in a serious period of the outbreak of new crown pneumonia, so at present India is extremely short of oxygen.
One: the current situation of the epidemic in India
India is currently in a serious outbreak of new crown pneumonia period, as of yesterday has been about 350,000 people have been infected with new crown pneumonia, hospitals are overcrowded, and even once caused the collapse of the hospital system, because there are too many people focusing on the outbreak, resulting in India's health care system can not support the corridors of the hospital aisles are all people, but the number of doctors and nurses and other related professionals is limited, resulting in a A part of the patient can not get timely treatment, it is rumored that someone's mother at home infected with new crown pneumonia, hospitals and other related places have been unable to accommodate, family members in order to prevent infection, had to put his mother on the side of the road on the curb, but also because of the funeral parlor is too busy, and even a lot of parks and rivers have become a place for the burning of corpses.
Two: the dilemma brought about by the lack of oxygenSo the current severity of the new crown pneumonia in India can be seen from the relevant reports. And because of the new crown pneumonia in the serious patients need to be admitted to the ICU, and according to the current Indian medical resources early enough to support these, so some people because of the seriousness of the corridor can only be maintained through the oxygen transfusion. And because the number of infected people is too large, it also causes the lack of oxygen situation to worsen dramatically. And according to news reports, even some Indian black markets are engaged in the business of buying and selling oxygen. And it is said that some Indian tycoons are even willing to spend nearly a million dollars to fly to the United Kingdom because of the fear of infection, or infection without instrumental oxygen and so on.
Three: continue to strengthen preventive and control measuresIn various other countries around the world, the new crown pneumonia remains a serious challenge, threatening the lives and property of people around the globe security issues, and also because of the new crown pneumonia, many enterprises are difficult to continue, facing the risk of closure, staff face layoffs. And our country under the leadership of the state, as well as the full cooperation of the people, the country is currently no indigenous new, so as an ordinary person, more should always listen to the call of the state, always do a good job of safety and protection, continue to do a good job of epidemic prevention and control measures do not slacken.