Ambulance prices?

The charges for ambulance fees are divided into two kinds: first aid and non-first aid, first aid is subsidized by the national government, so the charges are relatively low, non-first aid is relatively high.?

?1, first aid charges

National provinces and cities of the specific charges are different, in Wenzhou City, for example, according to the "Wenzhou Municipal Public Hospital Comprehensive Reform Implementation Plan" is divided into pre-hospital first aid fee drinking ambulance fees in two parts, the charges quasi-generally first aid 130 yuan / person, critical care first aid 195 yuan / person, including diagnostic, therapeutic, nursing care, oxygen, materials, etc.; hemorrhage The first is the first time in the world that a person has to pay the price of a car, and the second is the first time in the world that a person has to pay the price of a car, and the second is the first time in the world that a person has to pay the price of a car, and the third is the first time in the world that a person has to pay the price of a car.

This is the first aid 120 ambulance charges standard, all over the different.

2, non-emergency charges

Non-emergency ambulance charges are also different for each organization and each hospital.

Take the famous Beijing 999 ambulance as an example:

City ambulance escort charges: 120 yuan base out of the car + 4.5 per kilometer + paramedic service fee = service charges.

Long-distance ambulance escort charges: 20 yuan per kilometer + service fee + equipment use fee = service cost .

But you can see the ambulance rates are calculated according to the number of kilometers, the farther the distance, the higher the price, the rest of the part is the cost of service, equipment use fee.?

Ambulance tariffs are different in each place and each organization, the quality of service is also uneven, the quality of the formal standard is also different, as long as it is a regular ambulance transfer, the price difference is not too big.

Here also pay attention to a kind of vehicle, is the black ambulance, no operating qualifications, that is, the medical equipment is not up to standard, the price of the general offer is cheaper, and some will be parked in the middle of the second charge, asking for a price, especially long-distance ambulance.

Sickness would have been difficult for the family, but also to spend a lot of money, but since looking for an ambulance, must be safety-oriented, to ensure the safety of the situation to compare prices.