1, pick a really good skin instrument, not to see its appearance of pink, gold, white, or not Look at its analysis software on how complex line graphs, bar graphs, comparison charts, etc. (guests do not have time to learn to see these charts), so we have to keep our eyes open not to be confused by these flowers and green forms...
A good instrument of the soul, the essence of the "data results", that is, the digital results, data change means that a little by little, one at a time to record the effect of the improvement of the customer's skin, the skin's absorption of the product varies from person to person, so everyone's data will be different, for example, Ms. Ding came to your hospital to take care of the skin's moisture from the point of today's 3%, the use of the product data for 3 days to 7%, the use of 5 days later Become 10%, use 1 month after becoming 13%. This is the data change, guests can see their skin little by little to improve the process.
The market has some instruments to give the results of the way, is the text description is three grades, poor - normal - good (beauty instructor manual adjustment)
Question: the guest came to the hospital for the first time to care for her skin content of the water there is no possibility of immediate change from poor to normal? (This is the beauty instructor manual regulation, regardless of whether this result is false or not) 1, the first possibility is possible, then the guests come to the second care is from the normal change to good, that change to the text description "good" after the third is still "good" ... ... ... the fourth is still "good" ... The fifth time is still good... After a few guests will not have any expectations, guests will recognize this instrument is very false ... 2, the second is not immediately from poor to normal, or poor - poor, then the guests will ask what this product has no effect at all, why do care?
How to pick?1, from the software analysis system comparison; 2, from the phasor and other hardware comparison 3, the comprehensive strength of the manufacturer (brand)
Market instrument analysis software configuration is roughly divided into the following grades, from the results of the performance of the form of points
Ranking 1, there is the analysis of the data, there is a description of the results of the figures, such as 3%, the skin is dehydrated;
Ranking 2, there is a text description of the results; poor - normal - good;
Ranking 3, no data, no text description, through the picture comparison;
Ranking 4, no supporting software
From the hardware
1, the instrument's color reproduction as well as the clarity of the instrument
Remarks: (These 2 items determine the software can be out of the data, if it is not up to the standard to capture the (These two items determine whether the software can be out of data, if not up to standard, capture the original pattern, the software can not be out of data, this is why other companies do not do data analysis, the root cause is because the hardware is not up to standard)
So, even if the appearance of doing a beautiful, functionality to do more, there is what the UV light, and so on, the instrument to do more than the function is useless.
2, the price of the product: a set of Japanese-made quite general CCD camera system + master version of the cost of the price of more than 1200, not including other mold fees, operating costs, so you think a really useful skin instrument price will be within 1500? (Why the market has 100, 200 yuan instrument, is in accordance with the price can only buy and computer chat QQ camera class things, camera this kind of thing is the use of domestic CMOS lenses, the cost is generally in the tens of dollars, the picture is gray-blue, also does not include the supporting software)
From the brand
Currently the world's best three brands are as follows:1, Taiwan The earliest BoVision skin instrument; 2, Japan's Scalar; 3, Taiwan's light Asia: which claimed that Germany's CK is Taiwan's light Asia's products, in fact, this product originated in Taiwan; the three manufacturers in Taiwan BoVision is one of China's largest manufacturers of beauty testing instruments, they invested the most in China, is currently China's earliest and most professional production of skin and hair detector products of the enterprise, the production and sale of "CBS" a series of testing instruments, currently in Beijing, Wuhan, Guangzhou has a branch, and many well-known enterprises have long-term cooperation, such as: Procter & Gamble (co-brand SP); Sofitel ("HANFATANG" national hair growth and development of hair stores); South Korea, Yizhen; Kai Ci Man cosmetics; Xiangyi Benqiao cosmetics on and so on
So, I personally think, buy professional products to find the above a few better.