Which is the best manufacturer of online sewage testing equipment? To have COD, ammonia nitrogen, flow meter, PH and other online monitoring instruments.

If you simply only focus on quality, you can choose the U.S. Hash brand COD, ammonia nitrogen and other instruments, flowmeter can choose Sinead brand. But the above brands are more expensive.

But the domestic general like Shenzhen Century Tianyuan, Nanjing Delin, Hebei Xianhe and other quality is also good, the price is moderate.

Some of the small domestic factories are even cheaper, and can also cope with EPA inspections.

There are two things to note, if the enterprise is for their own use, not the EPA requirements, it is recommended to use the domestic production of large factories.

There is generally like online monitoring instruments, the local environmental protection has identified the brand, and you can only go along with what they mean to purchase, so that the smooth acceptance, and later do not give you small shoes.