Beijing Children's Hospital nutrition doctor: these "junk food" is really not junk!

Juicy beef patty

Fluffy and sweet bun

With fresh vegetables and full of sauce

One bite


Slow down

"What are you doing eating junk food, like burgers," he said. Why are you eating junk food like burgers again?"

Many parents think

that hamburgers and fries are junk food

and don't allow their children to have access to them


But beef is a healthy food

and lettuce is healthy

and bread is healthy too. Bread is also healthy

How does the combination

of burgers become "junk food"?

Is a burger really junk food?

Can we really tell what's junk food?

Are snacks really "useless"?

Have we been feeding our kids the right things all these years?


In response to these questions, we asked Dr. Yang Wenli, attending physician at the National Children's Medical Center and Beijing Children's Hospital of Capital Medical University, to see what the doctor had to say.... ...


Burgers and other food is junk food, is it true

If you are inspired to help, welcome to forward

Growing obesity is a cruel reality that Chinese children and teenagers have to face.

Overweight and obesity, taking away not only the proportionality of the body, but also the child's "youth"!

You may not know that high blood pressure, fatty liver, diabetes, these problems labeled as "middle-aged", now decades ahead of the children and adolescents in the body.

Many parents think that their children are obese and unhealthy because they eat too much junk food, but is this really the case?

In the video, Dr. Yang Wenli mentions that "junk food" is just a vague definition. It is generally high in fat, high in sugar, empty calories and lacking in nutrients such as high-quality protein, vitamins, minerals, and some unhealthy food preparation methods, such as deep-frying, etc. There is no clear list.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also debunked the "Top 10 Junk Food List", and has emphasized that what we consider to be junk food, such as fast food, burgers, and so on, may also be beneficial to human health.

Take the burger, for example, and let's follow Dr. Yang to see what it's made of:

In Dr. Yang's view, the burger's nutritional content is fine, but what's wrong with it is that it's not made in the right way, which leads us to think it's unhealthy.

But if we eat it in a different way, the effect is completely different.

For example, choose whole wheat bread with as many fresh vegetables as possible in the center, and the meatloaf can be steamed, which has much less fat.

At the same time, don't eat your burger with fries, carbonated drinks, and other such foods that are empty of sugar, fat, and calories, which are naturally unhealthy.

How can kids eat healthy while having fun?


No junk food, just junk food

If you are inspired to help, you are welcome to forward

In Dr. Yang's opinion, no junk food, just junk food!

What is junk eating?

Unscientific cooking methods, irrational combinations, and not controlling the total amount are all junk eating.

What is healthy eating?

In the video, Dr. Yang mentioned that if you want your kids to eat healthier, first of all, you need to have a balanced diet and balanced nutrition.

Don't eat something every day and often if you think it's good. Instead, get a balanced intake from the four main categories of grains, high-quality proteins, dairy products, and vegetables.

For older children, such as adolescents, parents are advised to refer to the "Balanced Dietary Pagoda for Chinese Residents (2016)" and choose more different kinds of food from each major category every day to enrich and diversify the diet.

At the same time, choose steaming, boiling and stewing as healthy as possible, and try to avoid deep-frying and deep-frying, which are high in fat, with less oil and less salt, and a balanced intake of the right amount.

The World Health Organization and the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents make specific recommendations for the daily sodium intake of children of different ages


Preferred these "snacks", which can be good

Preferred these "snacks", which can be good

Preferred these "snacks", which can be good

Many parents have a great prejudice against snacks, that eating snacks will lead to tooth decay, fat, malnutrition, that snacks are the source of all evil.

But this is not the case.

In Dr. Yang's opinion, snacks are usually foods that are consumed outside of the time points of the three meals a day, and have to do with the time point of consumption, not the type. Like the extra fruit we eat, yogurt, etc., which are also considered snacks.

So, parents should not feel that their children must not eat when it comes to snacks, which is not absolute. Rather, they should be ingested appropriately according to the child's needs under the premise that regular meals are the mainstay. In some special cases, eating some snacks is good for the body.

First of all: fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits are rich in various vitamins, minerals, and can promote digestion.

And it tastes better, the color is richer, most children still love to eat.

Replacing puffed snacks with fresh fruit is a healthy and smart choice.

Tips: Be aware that fruit juice is not a substitute for fruit!

Secondly, a variety of dairy products

Milk is known as white blood and is one of the oldest natural beverages.

Milk and its products are one of the most important sources of dietary protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin B2.

For school-age children, because his diet has been balanced and normal, so you can choose to market this kind of pure milk as a snack, choose a safe and hygienic regular manufacturers can.

At the same time, because milk and its products have a very high calcium content, Dr. Yang also recommended that all ages should continue to drink milk, or eat some cheese and other dairy products.

Tips: Dairy drinks Liquid milk; yogurt or low-lactose milk for lactose-intolerant children.

Plus: a variety of nuts

Although parents sometimes think that nuts are also snacks, it is actually a better quality snack.

While nuts themselves have fat, it's mostly unsaturated fatty acids. This unsaturated fatty acid is actually good for our cardiovascular health.

In addition, nuts contain proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, etc., which are excellent for human growth and development, enhancement of physical fitness, and prevention of diseases.

So, nuts can be an additional snack option, but be careful to almost 5 to 10 grams per day or so.

Tips: Do not eat in the fight, play, in order to avoid choking or accidental inhalation, always pay attention to eating safety and eating hygiene oh.

Special thanks to this column:

Yang Wenli National Children's Medical Center, Beijing Children's Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Clinical Nutrition Department attending physician

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