Volunteer for a clinical trial for new crown patients, would you consider going?

Will consider going. Formal hospitals are paid to recruit trial volunteers to participate in drug clinical trials, to promote the rise of pharmaceutical level, benefit the country and the people.

A. People's Daily health client learned from the official platform of hospitals and the China Clinical Trial Registry that since January, medical institutions in Shandong, Hebei, Chongqing and other places are carrying out the recruitment of new crown patients.

Currently, every patient involved in clinical research is given insurance, and trial grants. So far, there have been no significant side effects, and in the best-case scenario, some patients have been able to turn negative in five days.

Second, it is understood that the hospital is currently undergoing the second batch of trials, after having conducted a 1:1 trial (i.e., the enrollees were blinded in a ratio of 1:1, with one patient taking the drug and one taking a placebo), and the patients participating in the clinical trial were not affected by any significant side effects of the drug. So for the second trial, which will be conducted in a 3:1 ratio, the trial will require 312 participants, according to the news.

Third, according to Shandong Business News, recently, Qilu Pharmaceuticals also released a recruitment advertisement for a clinical trial of its new crown oral drug, which is being held at Shandong University's Qilu Hospital. Each subject will receive the drug free of charge, and the study period is one month. Subjects will not have to pay for the study drug and related examinations and treatments, and will receive a certain amount of compensation for the trial.

Fourth, to participate in this clinical study patients need to meet the appropriate conditions: 1.18 ≤ age ≤ 70 years old; 2. Diagnosis of light and ordinary patients with new coronary artery pneumonia; 3 by nucleic acid test or antigen test is positive; 4. Cough, shortness of breath or dyspnea, fever, chills, fatigue, body aches or muscle pains, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, Loss of taste or smell any symptom associated with new crown pneumonia; 5. Negative pregnancy test prior to enrollment in women of childbearing age; 6. Not participating in another clinical trial within one month.

Enrollment has been open since Jan. 1, and patients have been coming in daily.

According to a surging news report, a number of new crown therapy drug development drug companies have been recruiting patients recently, including Centrum Pharmaceuticals, Junshi Biologicals, Kexing Pharmaceuticals, and Zongsheng Pharmaceuticals.