Yushu Earthquake ~~~~

Rock bodies under the action of geostress, in the process of gradual accumulation and strengthening of stress and strain, will cause the source of the earthquake and nearby materials to undergo a series of abnormal changes in physical, chemical, biological, and meteorological. We call these abnormal changes associated with the breeding and occurrence of earthquakes earthquake precursors (also known as seismic anomalies). It includes two categories: seismic micro-anomalies and seismic macro-anomalies.

(I) macro-anomalies

Human senses can directly perceive the seismic anomalies known as the macro-anomalies of earthquakes. Earthquake macro-anomalies in the form of diverse and complex manifestations, the types of abnormalities up to several hundred kinds of abnormal phenomena up to several thousand, can be broadly divided into: groundwater anomalies, biological anomalies, acoustic anomalies, light anomalies, electromagnetic anomalies, meteorological anomalies, and so on.

1, groundwater anomalies

Groundwater, including well water, spring water. The main anomalies are muddy, bubbling, turning flowers, warming, changing color, changing taste, sudden rise, sudden fall, deformation of well holes, sudden drying up or gushing out of springs. People have summarized the proverbs about the change of well water before the earthquake:

Well water is a treasure, and there are precursors to earthquakes.

Without rain, the spring water is muddy, and when the sky is dry, the well water bubbles up.

The water level rises and falls greatly, and bubbles appear when it is turned over.

Some change color, some change taste.

2, biological anomalies

Many animals feel particularly sensitive to certain organs, it can know in advance of some disaster events than humans, such as jellyfish in the ocean can forecast storms, rats can avoid the collapse of mines or hazardous gases and so on. As for the visual, auditory, tactile, vibratory, balance organs, which played a major role, which played a supporting role in judgment, for different animals may be different. Physical and chemical changes (vibration, electricity, magnetism, meteorology, abnormal water radon content, etc.) accompanying earthquakes often stimulate the sensory organs of some animals to react abnormally. For example, if the gravity of an area changes, some animals may be able to feel it through its balance organ; a vibration abnormality, some animals may be able to detect the auditory organ. Long before the earthquake underground rock layer in the day by day slow activity, showing a creeping state, and between the fault surface and has a strong friction, so it is thought that in the friction of the fault surface will produce a kind of only a few times a few times to more than ten times a second, lower than the human hearing can feel the low-frequency sound waves. A human being can only feel sound waves at more than 20 times per second, while animals do not. Those who feel very sensitive animals, in the sense of this sound wave, will be alarmed, so that the winter snake out of the hole, fish jumping out of the water, pigs and cows jumping ring, the dog cried wolf roar and other abnormal phenomena. There are many kinds of animal anomalies, there are large livestock, poultry, cave animals, hibernating animals, fish and so on. Animal anomalies, people also have a few jingles summarize well:

Pre-earthquake animals have omens, the group is very important to prevent the group.

Cattle, sheep, mules and horses do not enter the stables, pigs do not eat dog bite.

Ducks don't go into the water, and chickens fly up into the trees, squawking loudly.

Snakes come out of their holes in the snow and ice, and rats run with mice in their mouths.

The rabbit's ears are pricked up, and the fish jumps out of the water.

The bees are moving in and out, and the pigeons are not returning to their nests.

Every household is on the lookout, so report anything unusual.

In addition to this, some plants also reacted abnormally before the earthquake, such as sprouting, blossoming, fruiting, or wilting in large areas with abnormal growth in the wrong season.

3, meteorological anomalies

People often describe earthquake prediction scientists as "up tube sky, down tube ground, the middle tube air", which does make sense. Before the earthquake, the weather is often anomalous. Mainly hot before the earthquake, people anxious and irritable, long drought or heavy rain, yellow fog four plugs, daylight obscurity, strange winds, hail in June and so on.

4, ground sound anomaly

Ground sound anomaly refers to the sound from the ground before the earthquake. The sound is like the sound of thunder and gunfire, but also like a heavy car traveling, the wind drumming and so on a variety of things. When an earthquake occurs, there is a longitudinal wave radiation from the source, along the ground propagation, so that the air vibration sound, due to the longitudinal wave speed is larger but weaker, people only hear their voices, but do not feel the ground moving, need to be after the transverse wave to the feeling of movement. Therefore, the epicenter of the area often have "every quake first, the sound of the ground, like the earth's gas drumming, such as boiling water in the tripod expansion" records. If in the epicenter of the region, the magnitude 3 earthquake can often hear the ground sound. Ground sound is the structure of the underground rock, structure and the liquid contained in the gas movement changes in the results, there are quite a large part of the ground sound is a sign of the earthquake. Grasp the knowledge of geoacoustics may be able to play a better prediction and prevention of earthquakes.

5, ground light anomaly

Ground light anomaly refers to the light from the ground before the earthquake, the color is varied, and can be seen in daily life, rare mixed colors, such as silver blue, white purple, etc., but the red and white mainly; its shape is also varied, there are bands, spheres, columns, diffuse and so on. Generally the ground light appears in a large range, mostly in a few hours to minutes before the earthquake, lasting for a few seconds. China's Haicheng, Longling, Tangshan, Songpan and other earthquakes and before and after the earthquake appeared colorful luminescence phenomenon. Earth's light is accompanied by earthquakes, landslides, landslides, collapses, or sand and water, jet and other natural phenomena at the same time, often along the fracture zone or a region for regular migration, and synchronized with other macro-micro anomalies, the cause of which is always closely related to crustal movement. And by the geological conditions and surface and atmospheric conditions control, can cause different degrees of harm to people or animals and plants.

Currently, the reports of ground light anomalies that we have are about a few seconds to a minute before the earthquake. For example, similar reports have been collected for the Haicheng earthquake, Lancang and Gengma earthquakes.

6, the ground gas anomaly

Ground gas anomaly refers to the fog from the ground before the earthquake, also known as ground fog or ground fog. This fog, with white, black, yellow and other colors, sometimes colorless, often a few days to a few minutes before the earthquake, often accompanied by a strange smell, sometimes accompanied by sound or with high temperatures.

7, abnormal ground motion

Anomalous ground motion refers to the shaking of the ground before an earthquake. It is a well-known phenomenon that the ground shakes violently during an earthquake. But before the earthquake, sometimes feel the ground also shaking, this shaking with the earthquake is different, swinging very slowly, seismographs often do not record, but many people can feel. The most significant ground shaking anomaly appeared on February 4, 1975, before the Haicheng 7.3 earthquake, from late December 1974 to the end of January 1975, in Dandong, Kuandian, Fengcheng, Shenyang, Xiuyan and other places in the ground shaking 17 times.

8, the ground drum anomaly

The ground drum anomaly refers to the earthquake on the ground before the appearance of drums. 1973 February 6, Sichuan Fuhuo 7.9 magnitude earthquake about six months before, Ganzi County, Drag Dam District, a lawn on the appearance of a drum, the shape of an iron pot like an inverted buckle, about 20 centimeters high, around the intermittent cracks, drums for a few days and then disappeared, repeated many times, until the earthquake occurred.

Anomalies similar to the drum also include cracks in the ground and subsidence.

9, electromagnetic anomalies

Electromagnetic anomalies refer to abnormalities in household appliances such as radios, televisions, fluorescent lamps, and so on, before an earthquake. The most common electromagnetic anomaly is radio failure, fluorescent lamps in the northern region in the pre-earthquake self-lighting is also more common. 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Tangshan on July 28, 1976 a few days before the earthquake, Tangshan and its neighboring districts, many radio failure, the sound of the big and small, sometimes not, FM is not permitted, and sometimes continuous noise. Also before the earthquake in Tangshan, some people in the city saw closed fluorescent lamps glow red at night and then light up, and some people in Beijing turned off the fluorescent lamps before going to bed, but the lamps were still on without rest.

Electromagnetic anomalies also include some motor equipment working abnormally, such as microwave station anomalies, radio plant interference, and malfunctioning electronic alarm clocks.

Earthquake macro-anomalies in earthquake forecasting, especially the short-term forecast has an important role in the 1975 Haicheng, Liaoning, 7.3 earthquake and the 1976 Songpan, Pingwu, 7.2 earthquake before the earthquake workers and the general public had observed a large number of macro-anomalies for the success of the two earthquakes forecast provided important information. It should be noted, however, that many of the macro-phenomena listed above may be caused by a variety of reasons and may not always be harbingers of earthquakes. For example: the rise and fall of well water and spring water may be related to the amount of rainfall, may also be affected by the nearby pumping, drainage and construction, well water discoloration and taste may be caused by pollution, the abnormal performance of animals may be related to weather changes, disease, rut, external stimuli, etc., and also pay attention to not to welding arc light, lightning, etc. mistaken for the ground, not to be mistaken for the thunder ground, not to set off fireworks and flares The fireworks and flares as the underground fireballs.

Once an unusual natural phenomenon is discovered, do not easily make the conclusion that an earthquake will occur soon, and do not panic, but should be clear about the time and place of the anomaly and the situation, protect the scene, report to the government or the earthquake department, so that the seismic department of the professional staff to investigate and verify the truth of the matter.

(2) micro-anomalies of earthquakes

The human senses can not be perceived, only with specialized instruments to measure the seismic anomalies known as the micro-anomalies of earthquakes, including the following categories:

Seismic activity anomalies: the size of the earthquake there is a certain relationship between. Although there are not many large earthquakes, there are many small and medium-sized earthquakes, and the study of the characteristics of small and medium-sized seismic activity. It is possible to help people predict the occurrence of future large earthquakes.

Topographic anomalies: Before a major earthquake, the crust of the earth in the vicinity of the epicenter may undergo minor deformation, and the rock layers on both sides of certain faults may experience minor displacements. With the help of sophisticated instruments, such very weak changes can be measured, and analyzing these data can help people predict the occurrence of future major earthquakes.

Geophysical changes: During the breeding process of earthquakes, there may be some changes in the physical properties of rocks in and around the epicenter area, and the use of sophisticated instruments to measure the changes in gravity, geoelectricity and geomagnetism in different areas can also help people predict earthquakes.

Changes in underground fluids: Groundwater (well water, spring water, water contained in underground rock formations), oil and natural gas, and some other gases that may be produced and stored in underground rock formations are all underground fluids. Instruments to determine the chemical composition of underground fluids and some physical quantities, and study their changes, can help people predict earthquakes.

August 10, China's Yunnan Province, Zhaotong City, a 5.6-magnitude earthquake, resulting in nearly 600 casualties, the disaster situation is serious. Obviously, the casualties and economic losses caused by earthquakes are huge, in today's highly developed technology, these natural disasters are really no way to predict? Recently, Russian scientists after a long period of observation found that reptiles have a magical "third eye", can predict the occurrence of earthquakes.

Animals can predict earthquakes, which seems to have been recognized by many people. In some earthquake-prone regions and countries, monitoring the daily performance of animals has also become a means of earthquake forecasting.

Recently, in Russia's Crimea Yalda biological seismic test site, scientists found that the lizard's "third eye" can "see" the low-frequency geomagnetic field that predicts earthquakes.

The test site is a modest hillside with a road leading to the sea at its foot. It is not only a habitat for reptiles such as rock lizards and snake lizards, but also a place where they usually spend their winters, and Sergei Sharygin, the site's director, has been walking here every day for 18 years. Generally speaking, he doesn't run into the inhabitants very often, because when the lizards come out to sunbathe, they are usually 20-25 meters away from each other. But when something unexpected happens, the reptiles have to leave their hiding places, and at that time snake lizards can be seen almost everywhere.

People who live in earthquake-prone areas of the planet have had a knack for predicting earthquakes since ancient times. Sun Shihong, an expert who has studied earthquakes for more than 30 years, said, "There are many types of animals that have omens before earthquakes, and figures from a survey done by the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the 1970s show that 58 types of animals, including wildlife and domestic animals, have a relatively sure abnormal reaction before an earthquake. For example, cats, dogs, pandas, fish, snakes, rats, ants, bees and so on. Burrowing animals such as rats and snakes are more sensitive than animals on the ground, and small animals are more sensitive than large livestock."

Seismographers in the Crimea also succeeded in forecasting an earthquake by observing the movements of reptiles.On Oct. 5, 1984, lizards crawled out of their burrows in droves, despite the fact that it was nighttime and the temperature was low. About an hour later, seismographs recorded an earth tremor along the coast of Yalda. On another occasion, June 26, 1986, they also measured a slight shaking of the earth's crust. It was raining that day, but the lizards were unusually active and did not hide in their burrows as usual. Scientists at the Nikita Botanical Garden in Yalta were determined to find out what this "sensitivity" was all about. After numerous studies, they finally discovered a biological mechanism that allows reptiles to sense earthquakes.

Representatives of the oldest animal species, lizards are sensitive to geomagnetic and electromagnetic fields. This is due to the fact that the nervous system of lizards is different from that of other animals.

According to Sergei Sharygin, reptiles have a so-called cavernous organ called the "third eye". This organ is located at the end of the mesencephalon, next to the epiphysis, which regulates the nervous system. Interestingly, in lizards, this organ extends outside the body through a specialized hole. Unlike lizards, snakes have a "third eye" that is hidden inside the skull. Do animals really have a third eye? Experts from the Chengdu Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said, "Lizards, as one of the most primitive reptiles in existence, have a wide distribution. Lizards famous for their third eye are wedge-toothed lizards living in the Cook Strait, which are characterized by a third eye on the top of the skull, which is light-sensitive when young and basically useless as adults. This cranial-topped eye is a feature inherited from early vertebrates, and among reptiles, certain lizards share it, but none are as famous as the third eye of the wedge-toothed lizard."

As for the correlation between the lizard's third eye and earthquake prediction, experts said no systematic experimental research has been done on this in China, so their conclusions cannot be determined.

According to a report in the Russian weekly magazine Summarize, scientists believe that the "third eye" can indeed "see" the low-frequency geomagnetic field that predicts earthquakes.

In the test, they put a few lizards in a high-intensity, high-frequency electromagnetic field environment, and found that after a few days, all the animals undergoing the test died. When they were placed in a low-frequency geomagnetic field, the lizards were particularly active and behaved in the same way as they had before the ground shifted in the wild: they all tried to run out of the enclosure, moved around frequently, and were visibly agitated. However, the results posed a problem for the biologists: How could they distinguish the disturbances generated by the strong magnetic storms from the signs of earthquakes? So they installed geomagnetometers at the test site, which measured the strength of geomagnetic disturbances, the so-called planetary magnetic induction index. If there were high-frequency disturbances or violent changes in the geomagnetic field, the reptiles felt it and became active. Then it's time for an earthquake.

In 1990, a magnitude 6 earthquake hit the city of Sudak in Crimea, after scientists spotted lizards acting unusually just 40 kilometers from the epicenter. According to eyewitnesses, the ground was covered with lizards, which were arranged vertically on mountain rocks and stones, because this vertical position helps them adapt to the strength and direction of the geomagnetic field. They rely on this posture to mitigate the effects of signals that arrive first on the eve of an earth tremor. Staff at the Karadagh Mountain Geological Station say that the decision to sound the alarm is made only after all the information about all aspects of electromagnetism, geophysics, geology and biology has been gathered. With the help of their animals, the bio-seismologists have learned to predict the intensity and zone of earthquakes, although they now have to predict when they will occur. They now know that the bio-indicators show up not only hours but days before an earthquake.

According to the biologists, reptiles, unlike instruments, have never been wrong in their forecasts.

Because lizards have a nervous system inherited from their ancient ancestors, this becomes a more sensitive biological indicator. They can sense when an earthquake is about to occur within a 100-kilometer radius of the epicenter. China earthquake bureau analysis and forecasting center chief forecaster Sun Shihong that, before the earthquake, the ground and the climate will produce a series of physical and chemical changes, this subtle changes are more likely to make the animal's sensory organs stimulated, so that their behavior is abnormal. Of course, there are many factors that cause abnormal animal behavior, such as seasonal changes, diseases, changes in the living environment and conditions and so on. It is necessary to analyze the specific situation in order to more accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes.