January 11, oral implant system provincial alliance mining in Chengdu bidding, 12:30 pm or so to be selected results came out. From the list of proposed winning results, group B of Hangzhou Minsheng Lide Medical Technology Co., Ltd. of the four-grade pure titanium product system reported the lowest price in the field, 548 yuan, compared with the highest effective declared price of 2,380 yuan / set, a drop of about 77%, in its bidding unit to be selected rules ranked first. The surging news reporter noted that after hearing the price of 548 yuan, a business representative issued an exclamation of surprise: "It's unbelievable."
Related ReportsOral Implant Alliance Collective Mining Site Announces Proposed Winning Bid ResultsFive Headline Enterprises All Proposed Winning Bids for Grade IV Pure Titanium Implants
The reporter of the Science and Technology Board Daily was informed at the site of the public meeting of the Oral Implant Collective Mining Declaration Information that, in the bidding for Group A of the Grade IV Pure Titanium Implants, the lowest proposed winning bid was Changzhou Bakant's $630, and the highest proposed winning bid was $1,855. Among them, the proposed winning bidding price of the five head enterprises, namely, Auodent, Denton, Stroman, Noble, Leiden B&B, is 771 yuan/set, 770 yuan/set, 1855 yuan/set, 1855 yuan/set, and 1,163 yuan/set, respectively. Grade IV pure titanium implant group B, on the other hand, there are 16 companies winning the bid, the winning price is about 550-1000 yuan / set. The proposed winning bid for titanium implants is between $600-1400. (Source: Caixin)