Which city in China has the best medical care

The best medical units in China are clustered in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Such first-tier cities should be at the top of the list, both in terms of medical equipment and doctors' skills. All things considered, the more developed the city, the more advanced the medical technology will be. And Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and these places have their own programs that are stronger in a particular area, such as cardiovascular disease, which is stronger in Guangzhou.

The best medical level is Shanghai, with more than 30 tertiary hospitals and more than 90,000 inpatient beds, which is at the leading level in the country. The inland city with the highest level of medical care would be Chengdu, which has nearly 20 tertiary hospitals, represented by West China Hospital, and a level of medical care that is also top-notch in the country.

Top 100 hospitals nationwide

Beijing accounted for 23

Shanghai accounted for 15

Guangzhou 9

Chongqing 6

Nanjing 5

Wuhan, Chengdu, and Xi'an each had 4

These 8 cities accounted for 70% of the top 100!