What equipment and reagents are necessary to do a neutralization titration experiment? How much does the whole set cost

Equipment: analytical balance, electronic scales, a pure water preparation apparatus, a hot plate, the size of several reagent bottles, 50, 25mL acid, alkaline buret each several, the size of the beaker (glass, plastic) each several, several conical flasks (250mL), pipettes (20, 25, 50mL) each several, graduated pipettes (1, 2, 5, 10mL) each several, volumetric flasks (100, 250, 500mL) each several, wash bottles, burette, earwash ball, titration stand, etc.. Volumetric flasks (100, 250, 500mL) each several, wash bottles, burette, wash ball, titration stand.

Reagents: analytically pure: sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, sodium carbonate, potassium hydrogen phthalate

Others: labels, balance brushes, weighing spoons, weighing samples of paper, large sheets of filter paper, clippers, petroleum jelly, fixed and connected with rubber bands (rope), etc.

Price: according to the size of the equipment, the quality and quantity of the different, the overall price of the minimum price should be in the 20,000 above.