How much does a blind massage cost?

It is charged according to the part of the body is usually $12 for 25-30 minutes.

Massage for the blind, is a blind person through the systematic learning to get a skill occupation. For the community and rehabilitation institutions part of the patient to provide a professional massage massage medical services. The difference between blind massage and ordinary massage is that the operators are blind.

Massage techniques three-dimensional mechanics tester

Blind medical massage is much loved, but the premise is that the technician must have mastered the professional massage skills, of course, this also needs to be a blind medical massage personnel to carry out a professional assessment of the supervision and protection of customer interests.

The national blind medical massage personnel examination is divided into a comprehensive written examination and practical skills, in the afternoon of the practical skills examination, "equipped with" the acupoints intelligent system of massage manipulation three-dimensional mechanics measuring instrument for the first time on the blind massage examination "stage". The first time the two sides of the table, the two sides of the table.