Based on the "Regulations on Compensation for Land Acquisition and Resettlement of Immigrants for the Construction of Large and Medium-sized Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects" (State Council Decree No. 679), "the land compensation and resettlement subsidies for the acquisition of land for large and medium-sized water conservancy and hydropower projects shall be implemented at the same compensation standards as those for land used for railroads and other infrastructure projects, and shall be implemented in accordance with the standards stipulated by the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in which the land has been acquired. Implementation."
That is to say, if your town has the same type of project demolition, land acquisition and resettlement fees refer to the standard of the project, if not, but there are other water conservancy and hydropower projects, then according to the same type of project, but need to pay attention to is that the compensation standard should be referred to the latest standard announced by the government. If the place has a comprehensive land price, it will be implemented according to the comprehensive land price, and if there is no comprehensive land price, it will be calculated according to the mu (annual) production value of the land multiplied by a certain number of times announced by the government.
Temporary occupation of land in accordance with the mu value of standard, occupied for a long time to make up for how long (occupied a season to make up for a quarter, occupied a year to make up for a year), in the temporary land reclamation, there is also compensation for the corresponding period of maturity subsidies, generally one year of the mu value of the land.
Sapling compensation is generally compensated for one year in accordance with the mu value of production, and in some places it is compensated in accordance with the large spring and small spring.
The compensation fee for forest trees in forest land and garden land is based on the recent compensation standard.
Houses and renovation and ancillary facilities are generally calculated according to the physical volume and the compensation standard based on the relevant local documents.
Agricultural and sideline facilities are generally scaled to account for reasonable business closure losses, equipment relocation and other related costs.
Relocation subsidies include personnel relocation subsidies and equipment relocation subsidies according to the distance of relocation; personnel relocation costs include transportation subsidies, food and accommodation, medical care, labor, insurance and other costs in the relocation; equipment relocation costs include transportation costs and losses during the relocation.
Grave compensation is implemented in accordance with relevant standards.
The house-building subsidy for poor migrants is only for relocated households whose per capita housing area is lower than the local per capita housing area.
Transitional subsidies are for accommodation costs incurred when the new housing does not meet the occupancy conditions.
The above water conservancy and hydropower project land acquisition and relocation of individuals can obtain compensation items and calculation basis, basically covers the complete (minority places are slightly different, such as personal possession of the living Buddha enlightenment and the record of the object, need other ways to identify the compensation standard).