Catalog Solid Waste Classification Solid Waste Identification Standards Solid Waste Treatment Role What are the solid waste treatment technologies Solid Waste Prevention and Control Methods Solid Waste Treatment Business Ranking 1 Solid Waste Classification (a) Industrial Solid Waste
Industrial solid waste is produced in the process of industrial production and processing, and discharged into the environment of all kinds of slag, sludge, dust and so on. Industrial solid waste, if not strictly in accordance with the requirements of environmental standards for the safe treatment and disposal of land resources, water resources will cause serious pollution.
(B) hazardous solid waste
Hazardous solid waste refers specifically to hazardous waste, flammable, corrosive, reactive, infectious, toxicity, radioactivity and other characteristics, generated in a variety of hazardous waste products with the production of enterprises. From the characteristics of hazardous waste, it lurks a great harm to human health and environmental protection, such as, causing or contributing to the mortality rate increases; or make the incidence of serious diseases increase; or in the improper management of human health or the environment at the time of a major acute (immediate) or potential hazards, etc..
(C) medical waste
Medical waste refers to wastes with direct or indirect infectious, toxic, and other hazards generated by medical and health institutions in the course of medical, preventive, and health care, as well as other related activities. There are five main categories: first, infectious waste; second, pathological waste; third, injurious waste; fourth, pharmaceutical waste; and fifth, chemical waste.
(D) Municipal domestic waste
Municipal domestic waste refers to solid waste generated in daily life in the city or in activities providing services for daily life in the city. It includes: organic, such as melon and fruit peels, leftovers; inorganic, such as waste paper, beverage cans, scrap metal, etc.; and hazardous, such as waste batteries, fluorescent tubes, and expired medicines.
2 solid waste identification standards this standard in the current "Guidelines" on the basis of further clarification of the determination of solid waste principles, procedures and methods. China's solid waste generation of more than 90% of the solid types can be found in the standard, operational. The implementation of the standard will bring good environmental benefits, mainly in:
(1) The implementation of the standard is conducive to the identification of hazardous waste. Solid waste identification is a prerequisite for the identification of hazardous wastes, before the identification of hazardous wastes, solid waste identification must first be carried out, if a substance does not belong to solid waste, then it does not belong to hazardous waste. The implementation of this standard is conducive to strengthening the management of solid wastes and will effectively stop the illegal utilization of solid wastes, especially hazardous wastes, and reduce environmental risks.
(2) The implementation of the standard is conducive to the management of imported waste. China's solid waste import restrictions on the implementation of management policies, in the port solid waste import management, many times need to be whether the country banned the import of solid waste for special identification, standards as an important means of controlling solid waste from abroad into our country, to strengthen the management of imported solid waste, construction and maintenance of solid waste imports of the normal order of trade as well as to protect China's ecological and environmental security play an important role. The role of the standard.
(3) The implementation of standards is conducive to further clarify the object of solid waste management. The standard specifies the definition, identification principles and methods of whether the by-products, by-products and products produced in the process of industrial production and the use of solid wastes are solid wastes.
(4) the implementation of this standard can promote the development of solid waste resourcefulness regeneration and ecological recycling technology, improve the comprehensive utilization of solid waste and disposal efficiency, so that it is converted to the comprehensive utilization of products more fluent. For example, metal mines, non-metallic mines and coal mining process directly left in or returned to the mining area in line with the requirements of GB18599 in the first category of general industrial solid waste mining waste rock, tailings and coal gangue is not managed as solid waste; to promote blast furnace slag, steel slag, fly ash, boiler slag, coal gangue, tailings, and other solid wastes as building materials used as raw materials to reduce the amount of stockpiles.
3Solid waste treatment role a. Improve the utilization of resources, increase the effective supply and create good economic benefits.
In 2014, China extracted about 5 million tons of slag steel from scrap steel slag, valued at more than 12 billion yuan; cement used for the production of commercial concrete accounted for about 30% of the total production of cement, that is, in 2014, 750 million tons of cement were used to produce commercial concrete. Calculated on the basis of an average of 0.3 tons of slag per ton of concrete to be mixed in concrete mixing stations, the country **** uses 225 million tons of slag as concrete admixture. And the cement industry annual consumption of solid waste up to 500 million tons, the two combined, China's concrete industry and the cement industry in 2014 *** use of waste residue 725 million tons, equivalent to saving more than 700 million tons of cement, according to the conservative price of 200 yuan per ton, equivalent to generate more than 140 billion yuan of value.
II. It is conducive to reducing land occupation, protecting the environment and promoting sustainable social development.
In 2014, the comprehensive utilization of bulk industrial solid waste in China received more than 1.5 billion tons, calculated on the basis of an average of 0.5 acres per million tons of industrial solid waste, it can reduce the occupation of land by 75,000 acres, alleviate the problem of environmental pollution caused by the stockpiling of these solid wastes, safeguard the health of the surrounding residents and the safety of life and property, and promote the sustainable development of society.
Three, to promote energy conservation and emission reduction, the development of circular economy.
The comprehensive utilization of bulk industrial solid waste contributes greatly to energy conservation and emission reduction. Only with the cement and concrete industry used 725 million tons of waste residue, saving more than 700 million tons of cement calculation: each save 1 ton of cement can save calcination used standard coal 0.121 tons, that is, in 2014 **** save 84.7 million tons of standard coal. Each saving of 1 ton of cement can reduce the emission of 0.815 tons of CO2 (of which: 0.390 tons of CO2 is generated by fuel combustion, and 0.425 tons of CO2 is generated by limestone decomposition). Based on this calculation, in 2014, the national cement and concrete industry through the comprehensive utilization of bulk industrial solid waste,**** emission reduction of CO2 amounted to 570 million tons.
4 What are the solid waste treatment technologies Currently, the main treatment methods used include compaction, crushing, sorting, curing, incineration, biological treatment and so on.
A, compaction technology
Compaction is a waste through the implementation of volume reduction, reduce transportation costs, extend the life of the landfill pre-treatment technology, compaction is a commonly used pre-treatment of solid waste, such as automobiles, cans, plastic bottles, etc. are usually the first to use the compaction process, is suitable for compaction to reduce the volume of solid waste treatment, should not be used to compact the treatment, certain Waste that may cause operational problems, such as tar, sludge or liquid materials, generally also not suitable for compaction.
Two, crushing technology
In order to make the waste into the incinerator, landfill, composting system, etc., the shape of the waste is reduced, it is necessary to pre-crushing of solid waste, after crushing of waste, due to the elimination of large gaps, not only the size of the size of the uniformity of the texture is also uniform, in the process of landfilling in the other order compaction. Solid waste crushing methods are many, mainly impact crushing, shear crushing, extrusion crushing, friction crushing, etc. In addition, there are proprietary low-temperature crushing and mixed crushing. The most widely used and effective solid waste crusher is the shear crusher, for landfill waste and compost waste, the application of spiral roller crusher is more effective.
Three, sorting technology
Solid waste sorting is an important means of realizing solid waste resources, reduction, through the sorting will be useful to fully elected to use, will be detrimental to fully separated out; the other is the different particle size level of the waste to be separated, the basic principle of sorting is to use some of the nature of the material differences, will be separated. For example, the use of waste in the magnetic and non-magnetic differences in separation; the use of particle size differences in separation; the use of specific gravity differences in separation and so on. According to different properties, can design and manufacture a variety of machinery for solid waste sorting, sorting, including manual picking, screening, gravity sorting, magnetic sorting, eddy current sorting, optical sorting.
Four, curing technology
Curing technology is through the waste to add curing substrate, so that harmful solid waste is fixed or included in the inert curing substrate in a harmless treatment process, after treatment of the curing product should have a good resistance to infiltration, good mechanical and leaching resistance, resistance to wet and dry, resistance to freezing and thawing characteristics of the curing process according to the curing of substrate different can be divided into Sinking curing, asphalt curing, glass curing and gel curing.
5 solid waste prevention and control methods to control solid waste pollution of the environment and human health hazards is the main way to implement the implementation of the resourcefulness of solid waste, harmlessness and reduction of treatment.
I. Recycling of resources
Use the recycling of solid waste to recover energy and resources. Recycling of industrial solid waste, must be based on specific industry production characteristics, should also pay attention to technical feasibility, product competitiveness and can obtain economic benefits and other factors.
Two, harmless disposal
The harmless disposal of solid waste refers to the appropriate treatment or disposal, so that the solid waste or harmful components can not harm the environment, or transformed into environmentally friendly substances. Commonly used methods include incineration; composting; plasma gasification and pyrolysis gasification.
Third, the reduction of treatment
The number of solid waste is greatly reduced through treatment.
6 solid waste treatment companies ranked industry recommended brands Everbright green environmental protection green power DYNAGREEN energy-saving Kangheng environment three peaks of the environment HANLAN Grandblue premier environment Jinjiang Wang Neng environment deep energy environmental protection