How to store the storage of dangerous goods reagents?

Hazardous materials reagent storage is characterized by the storage of a variety of small amounts, access to frequent use, and therefore the fire risk factor is also more. For scientific research, schools, hospitals and other units for chemical testing or medical use of dangerous goods reagents and pharmaceuticals, should set up a special storage room for storage. Storage room and storage cabinets should be stored in the same nature of the main items, for the performance of conflicting or different fire extinguishing methods of dangerous goods, in addition to explosives, compressed and liquefied gases, flammable solids in the self-reactive substances, spontaneous combustion of substances, organic peroxides, infectious substances and radioactive substances, as well as various types of hazardous materials in the first class (Class I packaging materials), if the maximum amount of an item is limited to the scope of the regulations If the maximum quantity of an article is limited to the specified range, and the packing is strong and the seal is tight, it can be allowed to be stored in the same room or the same cabinet in separate compartments. But the area of the storage room generally shall not exceed 20m2; storage cabinets should be built according to the specific circumstances, the total storage capacity of each cabinet should not exceed 200kg. general storage of individual hazardous materials is not greater than the number of 1kg, can be stored in accordance with the following requirements.

1. The production and placement of storage cabinets (boxes)

Dangerous goods reagent storage cabinets can be made of bricks and cement, and install the door or cover. Can also use the old safe and the railway department shipments of explosives in the explosion-proof box converted into. The location of the storage room or storage cabinets should generally be selected at the end of a single-story building or multi-storey building, and the neighboring rooms and upstairs should be no personnel and important equipment rooms, prohibited in other dangerous goods storage, or with other dangerous goods warehouse close to the neighborhood.

2. Requirements for storage of dangerous goods reagents

Dangerous goods reagents should be stored separately in a special storage room when the storage quantity exceeds 500g. If there is no separate storage conditions, the amount of storage should be compressed as much as possible. Storage quantity of 500g or less, and has been dissolved in water explosive reagents, can not set up a separate storage room and stored in the storage cabinet. Its storage cabinet can be stored with other reagents in the same room, but should be more than 1m distance from other reagent cabinets, cabinets, not close together. Storage quantities of 100g or less, and has been dissolved in water explosives reagents, allowed to be stored in the general iron cabinet. All kinds of dangerous goods reagents, in accordance with the requirements of the principle of categorized storage, not mixed storage. Different degrees of sensitivity of dangerous goods reagents, should also be stored in separate compartments.

3. Daily storage of dangerous goods reagents

The daily storage requirements of dangerous goods reagents, see Table 6-1.

Table 6-1 Daily storage requirements of dangerous goods reagents