China's humiliation

Treaty of Nanking, August 1842, Britain

Main contents

1. Cession of Hong Kong Island to Britain

2. Compensation of 21 million silver yuan

3. Opening of Guangzhou, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo, and Shanghai as ports of entry into the world of trade

4. Tariff rates charged by Chinese Customs to British merchants for imported and exported goods to be agreed upon with the British side



1. The beginning of the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society of China

2. The main contradiction between the landlord class and the peasant class

was transformed into the contradiction between foreign capitalism and the Chinese nation, and the contradiction between feudalism and the masses of the people

3. The contradiction between foreign capitalism and the Chinese nation became the most important contradiction

4. 4. From then on, the Chinese people shouldered the dual revolutionary task of opposing foreign capitalist aggression and feudal rule in their own country

5. China entered the period of the old democratic revolution

The Five-Port Treaty and the Humen Treaty of 1844

Main Contents

The seizure from them of the right of consular adjudication, the lopsided most-favored-nation treatment and the privilege of leasing land and houses for detention in the ports of communication

Privileges like the right of consular adjudication and the privilege of leasing land for detention in the ports of communication. The Treaty of Wangxia and the Treaty of Whampoa in 1844 between the United States and France

Main contents

Acquisition of more invasive rights and interests

The Treaty of Tianjin in the summer of 1858 between Russia, the United States, Britain, and France

Main contents

1. Foreign warships and merchant ships were allowed to navigate at the Yangtze River ports

4. Foreigners were allowed to travel, trade and preach in the interior of China

5. The Qing government compensated the British and French for their expenses of 2 million taels of silver each, and compensated the British for their losses of 2 million taels of silver.

Beijing Treaty of 1860, Russia

Main contents

1. p>1. The Qing government recognized the validity of the Treaty of Tianjin

2. The opening of Tianjin as an additional commercial port

3. The cession of a district of the Jiulongsi area to the United Kingdom

4. The indemnification to Britain and France was increased to 8 million taels of silver each

The *** same impact of the Tianjin Treaty and the Treaty of Peking

The Qing government was beginning to be dominated by the great powers, and the reactionary forces of China and foreign countries were openly colluding with each other *** same impact of suppressing the Chinese people

The Qing government began to be controlled by the powers. *** with the suppression of the resistance of the Chinese people

China's semi-colonial and semi-feudalization deepened

Treaty of Beijing 1860 Russia

By the 1880s, it had appropriated more than 1.5 million square kilometers of territory in northeastern and northwestern China

Treaty of Shimonoseki April 1895 Japan

Main contents

1 Cession of the Liaodong Peninsula, Taiwan and its affiliated islands, and the Pescadores to Japan

2. Compensation of 200 million taels of silver for Japan's military expenditures

3. Opening of Shashi, Chungking, Suzhou, and Hangzhou as commercial ports, and the possibility of Japanese ships sailing along the inland waterways into the ports of entry to the above mentioned ports

4. Japan was allowed to invest in the establishment of factories at the ports of entry to the Chinese market, and its products were exempted from inland taxes on the shipment of goods to the mainland of China


1. China's territory and sovereignty suffered further serious losses

2. Since then, the imperialists scrambled to divide China into spheres of influence and set off a frenzy to carve up the country

3. Forcing the Qing government to make a big political loan to the great powers

4. The opening up of the new ports of commerce made the foreign invasion forces penetrate further into the interior of China

5. p>5. Allowing Japan to invest and operate factories in China expanded its capital export routes to China and seriously hindered the development of Chinese national capitalism

6. The degree of semi-colonialization of Chinese society deepened considerably

The Treaty of Hsin Chou, September 1901, between the United Kingdom, the United States, Russia, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, and Austria

Main contents

1. The Qing government compensated the countries for the loss of 450 million taels of silver, which would be repaid in 39 years. The compensation was secured by China's tariffs and salt duties, and China's tax revenues came under foreign control to a greater extent

3. The "Embassy Boundary" was established at Dongjiaominxiang Lane in Beijing, where no Chinese were allowed to live and soldiers were stationed to protect them


4. demolish the forts from Beijing to Dagu, and allow all countries to send troops to guard strategic places along the railroad line from Beijing to Shanhaiguan

5. punish those officials who had "fought" against the Great Powers in the Boxer Rebellion, and forbid the Chinese people to set up and participate in all kinds of organizations of anti-imperialist nature forever

6. change the Prime Minister's Yamen into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was under the command of six ministries. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on top of the six ministries


This embassy sector became the occupation of the Chinese capital by the Great Powers

The Qing government became a tool of imperialist domination over China and suppression of the people

The Great Powers were able to tighten their control over the Qing government through diplomatic channels

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Listed below are some of the treaties that the Chinese government, or most Chinese people, consider to be unequal.

The Sino-Russian-Mongolian Entente (June 7, 1915, China and Russia, signed at Chaktu, Outer Mongolia)

The Treaty of the Fourth Minzu (Article 21) (May 25, 1915, China and Japan, signed at Beijing)

The Manchurian Boundary Treaty (Dec. 20, 1911 (Xuantong 3), China and Russia, signed at Manchuria)

Renewal of the Sino-British Treaty of Tibet and India (April 27, 1906 (Guangxu 32), signed at Beijing)

Positive Treaty of the Sino-Japanese Conference of the Eastern Provinces (December 22, 1905 (Guangxu 31), signed at Beijing)

Treaty of Simchou (September 7, 1901 (Guangxu 27), signed at Beijing)

The Treaty of Simchou (September 7, 1901 (Guangxu 27), signed at Beijing) Signed: Beijing)

Treaty of Canton Bay (Dated: November 16, 1899 (Guangxu 25); Signed: Canton Bay; China and France)

Special Article for the Lease of Weihaiwei (Dated: July 1, 1898 (Guangxu 24); Signed: Beijing; China and Great Britain)

Special Article for the Expansion of Hong Kong's Boundary Sites (Dated: June 9, 1898 (Guangxu 24); signed: Beijing; China and Great Britain)

China-Russia Treaty on the Lease of Brigantine (March 27, 1898 (Guangxu 24); signed: Beijing; Renewal of the Treaty on the Lease of Brigantine signed in Petersburg, Russia, May 7, 1898)

China-Germany Treaty on the Lease of Jiaoao ( Beijing, March 6, 1898 (Guangxu 24); China and Germany)

Chinese-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation (signed in Beijing, July 21, 1896 (Guangxu 22))

Chinese-Russian Secret Treaty (Moscow, June 3, 1896 (Guangxu 22)

Treaty of Shimonoseki (April 17, 1895 (Guangxu 21), the treaty with Japan at Shimonoseki, with Japan)

Chinese-British Conference Tibet-India Clause (Calcutta, India, March 17, 1890 (Guangxu 16); Supplementary Revision: Darjeeling, December 5, 1893)

Chinese-British Treaty of Yantai (Yantai, 1876 (Guangxu 2); China with Britain)

Chinese-Japanese Treaty of Peking (October 10, 1874 (Tongzhi 13)) October 31)

China-Russia Treaty on the Survey and Division of the Northwest Boundary (Talbahadai, October 7, 1864 (Tongzhi 3)

Chinese-German Treaty on Commerce (Tianjin, September 2, 1861 (Reigns 11)

Treaty of Beijing

Chinese-Russian Treaty of Beijing (Peking, November 14, 1860 (Reigns 10)

Treaty of Beijing between China and France (Beijing, October 25, 1860 (Reigns 10)

Treaty of Beijing between China and Britain (Beijing, October 24, 1860 (Reigns 10)

Treaty of Tianjin

Treaty of Tianjin between China and France (Tianjin, June 27, 1858 (Reigns 8)

Treaty of Tianjin between China and Britain ( Tianjin, June 26, 1858 (Xianfeng 8)

Treaty of Tianjin between China and the United States (Tianjin, June 18, 1858 (Xianfeng 8)

Treaty of Tianjin between China and Russia (Tianjin, June 13, 1858 (Xianfeng 8)

Treaty of Aigun between China and Russia (Aigun, May 28, 1858 (Xianfeng 8)

Charter of the British, French and American Concession of Shanghai (Shanghai, July 5, 1854 (Xianfeng 4))

Constitution of Commerce between China and Russia at Talbakatai, Ili (Ili, August 6, 1851 (Xianfeng 1))

Treaty of Whampoa (Whampoa, France, October 24, 1844 (Daoguang 24)

Treaty of Wangxia (Wangsha, 1844 (Daoguang 24), July 3 (Daoguang 24))

The Treaty of Aigun, China (Aigun) (Aigun) (Aigun) (Aigun) (Aigun) (Aigun) (Aigun) 24) July 3, 1844 (Daoguang 24), with the United States, Wangsha)

Treaty of Humen (1843 (Daoguang 23) October 8, 1843 (Daoguang 23), with Great Britain, Humen)

Treaty of Nanking (1842 (Daoguang 22) August 29, 1842 (Daoguang 22), with Great Britain, Nanking)

In 1917 Germany and Austria-Hungary, having become hostile to China in the First World War, had their unequal treaties Abrogation of unequal treaties.1917 The Soviet Union voluntarily renounced its privileges in China (which were not fully honored afterwards, and no territories acquired by treaty were returned).1943 The United States and Great Britain voluntarily renounced their privileges in China. In 1943, the United States and the United Kingdom voluntarily renounced their privileges in China. Italy and Japan lost their special status when they became hostile to China in World War II, and in 1946, France renounced its privileges in China.

After the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) did not recognize all the unequal treaties signed before.

In what ways did China's growing strength manifest itself?

Buckling up for life

Safety in production is one of the key areas of supervision by the Party and government, and the introduction of the Work Safety Law, reform of the national safety supervision system, and severe penalties for violating the law have attracted widespread attention. However, the situation of production safety in China is still grim, with many accidents in coal mines and other high-risk industries. In accordance with the medium- and long-term goal of production safety, by 2007, China will have established a more complete safety supervision system, the national production safety situation will steadily improve, the key industries and areas of the accident-prone situation will be reversed, the number of deaths in accidents in industrial and mining enterprises, coal mines million-ton mortality rate, the death rate of 10,000 vehicles on the road traffic and other indicators will be reduced by a certain margin.

Children can afford to go to school

In 2004, China's average number of years of education for the population over 15 years old was 8.3 years, exceeding the world average by one year. However, only 7.2 percent of education employees have received higher education, and the investment in education is still grossly insufficient. 2006 will see the popularization and consolidation of compulsory education in rural areas become a top priority for education. Financial expenditure on education will grow faster than financial expenditure, teachers' salaries and per-pupil public funds will gradually increase, and problems of immediate concern to the people, such as poor school conditions, operational difficulties and arbitrary fees, will gradually be resolved. By 2010, the population coverage rate of nine years of compulsory education will be close to 100.

Seeing a doctor in the heart of comfort

The past five years, China's medical and health care breakthrough rely on the government's single mode of development, is the fastest development since the founding of the new China period. But the medical system, there are still many obstacles to the mechanism, public medical institutions one-sided pursuit of economic interests of the tendency is serious, minor illnesses, "big prescription", "indiscriminate examination", difficult to see a doctor, expensive to see a doctor has become a strong reflection of the problem. 2006, the pilot surface of the new rural cooperative medical system will be expanded to include a new type of medical care. The pilot surface of the new rural cooperative medical system will be expanded to 40, the masses due to poverty, the phenomenon of poverty will be further curbed; the State will implement the necessary funding to support the construction of township health centers and county hospitals, to provide farmers with safe, inexpensive basic medical services; the development of community health services, will provide basic medical services for low-income urban security.

Drinking water and eating meat with peace of mind [FS:PAGE]

In 2005, in order to strengthen pollution control and ecological protection, to promote the prevention and control of pollution in key watershed areas, and to focus on solving the environmental pollution that seriously jeopardizes the health and safety of the people, especially water pollution, air pollution and other problems, the state closed 15 kinds of waste of resources, pollution of the environment of the small enterprises, and the implementation of industrial pollution sources In 2006, letting people drink clean water and breathe fresh air has become one of the important goals of governments at all levels. The country has made it clear that by the end of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", China's energy consumption per unit of GDP should be reduced by about 20% compared with the end of the "Tenth Five-Year Plan", and the construction of an environmentally friendly society is becoming more and more a society-wide **** knowledge.

Supporting the "umbrella"

In the first 10 months of 2005, China's cumulative total of 8.8 million new urban employment, "Tenth Five-Year" period to achieve the goal of 40 million new urban employment has been achieved ahead of schedule. However, China has entered the peak period of growth of the working-age population, and in the next few years, the gap between the supply and demand of labor will still reach 13 to 14 million people each year. In the future, enterprises will not be allowed to focus on pushing surplus personnel into society, and the State will also establish an employment-oriented indicator system for vocational education and training institutions. "During the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period, 45 million new jobs will be created. Some discriminatory employment agreements will be banned. Optimizing the employment environment has become one of the key elements of the government's work.

Home ownership

In 2005, under the unified deployment of the State Council, a number of departments joined forces to regulate the real estate market, and the market order has improved. But for ordinary people, the price of commercial housing is still "high". With the central stabilization of housing prices policy implemented one after another, the real estate market will curb investment, control investment, guide reasonable consumption, stabilize housing prices in the direction of the expected goal, speculative home-buying behavior will be curbed, low- and middle-income groups of the housing problem will get more attention, housing prices will be in a wider range of the people docking.

Old age

Statistics show that the country's social insurance premiums for retirees have increased 119 times in 19 years. But at present, China's public **** pension coverage accounts for only 15 of the total population, a part of the retirees living in dire straits, the rural elderly basically do not enjoy social security. With the continuous improvement of the basic pension insurance system for enterprise workers, and with a focus on the participation of non-publicly owned enterprises, urban self-employed businessmen and flexibly employed persons, the scope of basic pension insurance coverage will be gradually expanded. The state gradually realize the pension insurance personal account, more and more people will live a life of old age, medical care.

***Enjoying the fruits of development

China's people's life in general has made a historic leap from subsistence to well-being, but the share of income or consumption of the poorest people, who account for 20 percent of the country's total population, is only 4.7, while that of the richest people, who account for 20 percent of the total, is as high as 50 percent. 2006 will see the government start by adjusting the system of distributing national income and the structure of the country's fiscal expenditures. fiscal expenditure structure to establish a support and protection system for agriculture, so that public **** services benefit farmers; in the future, new financial resources will be focused on investing in rural areas, agriculture and farmers, and the growth rate will be much higher than the growth rate of fiscal recurrent revenue; the western development, revitalization of the old industrial bases of northeastern China, and the promotion of the rise of the central region and other strategic initiatives, but also to accelerate the pace of the **** the same affluent.

Migrant workers get their wages in time

With the Party and the government attaching great importance to the issue, actions to clear the wages owed to migrant workers have been launched one after another around the country. As of September 2005, a total of 141 billion yuan, or 75.82 percent of the total amount owed, had been cleared for projects completed before 2003, but the phenomenon of disregarding and infringing on the interests of rural migrant workers still occurs from time to time, and the working environment has yet to be fundamentally improved. 2006 is the year in which it has become incumbent upon governments at all levels to make sure that rural migrant workers get their wages in full and on time. With the state to effectively strengthen the supervision of enterprises, owners will be further standardized behavior, under construction and new projects will be curbed the phenomenon of wage arrears; farmers to work in the city environment will be more relaxed.

More quality of life

Statistics show that the average rate of urban and rural residents traveling in China has reached 84.8, and cultural products are also greatly enriched. However, compared with the rising spiritual and cultural needs of the people, cultural service outlets are still very poor, some attractions of the high ticket prices still let the people "look at the scenery". 2006, so that ordinary people can afford to see the scenery, enjoy a better quality of life, to the government has left more space for reflection and efforts. With the promotion of cultural system reform, the people will enjoy increasingly perfect cultural services; in the countryside, the popularity of theaters, cultural centers, libraries and other facilities, will be the farmers of the traditional concept of daily life greatly expanded.

For a country and a nation, human rights are first and foremost the people's right to live. Without the right to live, all other human rights are impossible to talk about. This is the simplest truth. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes that everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. In old China, due to imperialist aggression and the oppression of feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism, people's lives were insecure, and countless people died as a result of war, famine and cold. The struggle for the right to live has historically become the first human rights issue that the Chinese people must address.

If the country cannot be independent, people's lives are not guaranteed. What jeopardizes the survival of the Chinese people is first and foremost imperialist aggression. Therefore, the struggle for the right to survival begins with the struggle for the right to national independence. Since the Opium War in 1840, China has been reduced step by step from a feudal power to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country. In the 110 years from 1840 to 1949, Britain, France, Japan, the United States, Russia and other imperialist powers waged hundreds of wars of aggression against China, causing incalculable losses to the lives and property of the Chinese people.

--The imperialists massacred the Chinese people on a large scale during the wars of aggression. 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces burned, killed and looted the town of Tanggu, which had more than 50,000 people, and turned it into empty ruins, so that Tianjin, which had a million people, only had 100,000 people left after the burning and killing, and after they entered Beijing, they killed uncountable people, killing more than 1,700 people in the Zhuangwangfu area alone. After entering Beijing, they killed countless people, only Zhuangwangfu alone killed more than 1,700 people. In the comprehensive war of invasion of China by the Japanese imperialists that began in 1937, more than 21 million people were killed and wounded, and more than 10 million people were maimed to death. Among them, in the six weeks after Dec. 13, 1937, the Japanese invading forces killed 300,000 people in Nanjing alone.

--The imperialists massively trafficked and abused Chinese laborers, causing countless living beings in old China to suffer miserably. According to incomplete statistics, from the mid-nineteenth century to the 1920s, as many as 12 million Chinese laborers were trafficked around the world. These kidnapped and cheated Chinese laborers were imprisoned in "piggy banks" and branded with the name of the destination of trafficking. 1852-1858, only in Shantou, 40,000 Chinese laborers in "piggy banks", more than 8,000 were tortured to death. During the period of 1852-1858, of the 40,000 Chinese workers in the "piggy banks" in Shantou alone, over 8,000 were tortured to death. In the projects and mines run by the great powers in various parts of China, the record of wantonly abusing and killing Chinese workers was appalling. During the Japanese imperialist invasion of China, no less than 2 million laborers were tortured to death in the Northeast region alone. After being persecuted to death, Chinese workers were thrown into ravines or gravel pits. More than 80 such "mass graves" have been discovered, with more than 700,000 laborers' bones buried.

-The imperialists' colonial rule in China humiliated the Chinese people, who had no human dignity to speak of. At that time, foreign invaders enjoyed "extraterritoriality", which was not subject to Chinese law; on December 24, 1946, the rape of Shen Chong, a girl at Peking University, by U.S. soldier Pearson in Peking aroused the indignation of the whole nation, but the culprits were unilaterally dealt with by the U.S., and acquitted of all charges. Powers in China set up the "Concession", has the executive, legislative, judicial, police and financial power, become completely independent of China's administrative and legal system outside of the "country within a country". 1885, the foreign invaders even in Shanghai, French Concession Park door openly erected "Chinese" in front of the park. In 1885, the foreign invaders even put up a sign saying "Chinese and dogs are not allowed to enter" in front of the park of the French Concession in Shanghai, insulting the personality of the Chinese people with impunity.

-The imperialists forced China to sign more than 1,100 unequal treaties and plundered China's wealth on a large scale. According to statistics, in the past hundred years, foreign invaders have plundered war reparations and other sums amounting to 100 billion taels of silver through these unequal treaties. Among them, the Treaty of Nanjing, the Treaty of Shimonoseki, the Treaty of Simchun and other eight unequal treaties extorted compensation of 1.953 billion taels of silver, equivalent to 16 times the income of the Qing Government in 1901. And the compensation of 230 million taels of silver extorted by Japan through the Treaty of Shimonoseki alone was equivalent to four and a half years' income of the Japanese national treasury at that time. The losses caused by the invaders' destruction and looting during the war were even more difficult to estimate. During Japan's total war of aggression against China (1937-1945), more than 930 cities in China were occupied, with direct economic losses amounting to 62 billion dollars and indirect economic losses exceeding 500 billion dollars. The loss of national sovereignty and the looting of social wealth deprived the Chinese people of the minimum conditions for survival.

Faced with the loss of national sovereignty and the catastrophe of the people's lives, the Chinese people fought for more than a century against the foreign invaders in order to salvage their country and strive for national independence. During this period, China witnessed the outbreak of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the Boxer Rebellion and the Xinhai Revolution, which overthrew the feudal Qing Dynasty. Although these revolutionary movements dealt a heavy blow to the power of imperialism in China, they failed to free China from its semi-colonial status. It was not until the CPC led the people of China to overthrow the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang and establish the People's Republic of China (PRC) that this situation changed radically. Since its birth in 1921, the CPC has clearly stated in its political program, "Overthrow the oppression of international imperialism and achieve the complete independence of the Chinese nation," "Overthrow the warlords, and statistically recognize China as a truly democratic **** and state," and has led the people to fight hard and tirelessly. The people carried out a strenuous struggle and won the victory of the national democratic revolution.

The establishment of the Chinese People's **** and State, on the Chinese mainland, eradicated imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism forces, put an end to more than a hundred years of China's domination, humiliating history of being bullied and long-term war, a plate of turbulence, and realized the people's dream of national independence and unity. The Chinese people, who account for nearly one quarter of the total number of human beings, are no longer a nation that can be slaughtered and insulted at will by invaders; the Chinese people have stood up as masters of their country and, for the first time, truly enjoyed the human dignity they deserve, earning the respect of the whole world. The safety of the lives of the Chinese people has since been fundamentally safeguarded.

While the independence of the country has enabled the Chinese people to live free from the ravages of foreign invaders, it is also necessary to build on this foundation so that the people can enjoy basic security of life in order to truly resolve the question of the right to life.

Feeding, clothing and warmth are the minimum requirements of the Chinese people, who have long been trapped in the plight of hunger and cold. The successive governments of old China not only failed to solve this problem, but also aggravated the people's disaster. In old China, landlords and rich peasants, who accounted for only 10% of the rural population, occupied 70% of the land, while the poor peasants, who accounted for 70% of the rural population, occupied only 10% of the land; the bureaucratic buyer bourgeoisie, which accounted for a very small proportion of the population, monopolized 80% of the industrial capital and manipulated the economic lifeblood of the country. The Chinese people were subjected to land rent, taxes, usury and exploitation by industrial and commercial capital, and the extent of their exploitation and poverty was rare in the world. According to statistics, in 1932, there were as many as 1,656 types of exorbitant taxes and duties alone, with donations accounting for about 60 to 90 percent of the farmers' harvest. Coupled with the reactionary government's political corruption and incompetence, the loss of power and humiliation of the country, acting as a tool of imperialist rule, the large and small warlords, a long period of war and chaos, so that the people's disaster steed deep, difficult to survive. According to estimates, 80% of the people in old China are in a state of chronic hunger and semi-starvation, and almost every year there are tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people die of hunger. In 1931, flooding in East China caused more than 3.7 million deaths, and in 1943, 3 million people died of starvation in Henan Province alone, while another 15 million people were on the verge of death by gnawing on grass roots and eating tree bark.

After the victory in the war of resistance against Japan, the reactionary government of the Kuomintang started the civil war, extracting the people's fat and wealth, resulting in the total collapse of the economy. 1946, 10 million people died of starvation in different parts of the country, and in 1947, the number of starving people in the country reached more than 100 million, which accounted for 22% of the country's population at that time.

Since the establishment of New China in 1949, the Chinese ****products Party and the Chinese government have always taken solving the problem of people's food and clothing as their top priority and the most urgent task. The people's government led the whole country for three years, concentrating on healing the wounds of war and enabling the national economy to recover rapidly to its highest level in history. On this basis, China lost no time in realizing the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce, fundamentally eliminating the system of exploitation and introducing the socialist system, making the Chinese people, for the first time in their history, the masters of the means of production and the enjoyers of social wealth. This greatly stimulated the people's enthusiasm for building a new China and a new life, liberated the social productive forces, and enabled the social economy to heart at a rate unprecedented in China's history. after 1979, China's focus on economic construction, the implementation of reform and opening up, and the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics further promoted the heart of the social productive forces, thus basically solving the problem of feeding and clothing the 1.1 billion people. China's arable land accounts for only 7% of the world's arable land, and the per capita share is only 1.3 mu, much lower than the United States' per capita share of 12.16 mu and the world's median share of 4.52 mu, but it feeds 22% of the world's population. Certain Western politicians once asserted that no government in China could solve the problem of feeding its people. However, socialist China has relied on its own strength to solve this historical problem. over the past 40 years, although China's population has increased by more than 14 million people per year, the per capita consumption of major consumer goods has risen considerably. According to sample surveys, the daily caloric intake from food per person in China was 2,270 kilocalories in 1952, about 2,311 kilocalories in 1978 and about 2,630 kilocalories in 1990, which is close to the world average.

The life expectancy and health of the Chinese people have improved greatly. According to statistics, the average life expectancy of the Chinese population has risen from 35 years before liberation to 70 years in 1988, exceeding the level of middle-income countries in the world. The mortality rate of the population had dropped from a high of 33 per thousand in the pre-Liberation period to 6.67 per thousand in 1990, making China one of the countries with the lowest mortality rates in the world, and the infant mortality rate was 31 per thousand in 1987, which was close to the level of high-income countries. The physical fitness of the Chinese population, especially that of young people (15)? Pure goblet? The physical fitness of the Chinese population, especially that of young people (15)? In 1979, compared with the period 1937-1941, the height of 15-year-old boys increased by 1.8 centimeters and their average weight by 2.1 kilograms; the height of 15-year-old girls increased by 1.3 centimeters and their weight by 1 kilogram. From 1979 to the present, the physical fitness of the Chinese people has again improved significantly, completely throwing off the old China's hat of "the sick man of East Asia".

When the problem of people's food and clothing is basically solved, the problem of people's right to life is also basically solved. This is a historic achievement of the Chinese people and the Chinese government in fighting for and safeguarding human rights.

In China, safeguarding the people's right to subsistence and improving their living conditions remains a primary issue to this day. Although China has gained independence, it is still a developing country with limited national strength, and safeguarding China's independence and sovereignty and ensuring that China is no longer bullied by imperialism remain the basic conditions for the survival and development of the Chinese people. Although China has basically solved the problem of subsistence, the level of economic development is still relatively low, and there is still a large gap between the people's standard of living and that of developed countries; the pressure of population and the relative paucity of per capita resources will still constrain socio-economic development and the improvement of people's lives. In the event of unrest or other disasters, the people's right to life will also be threatened. Therefore, to maintain the stability of the country, along the route of success, focus on the development of productive forces, adhere to the reform and opening up, and strive to improve the national economy, strengthen the national strength, so that the people's livelihood on the basis of subsistence to further reach the level of well-off, so that the people's right to life will not be threatened, this is the Chinese people's most fundamental aspirations and demands, but also the Chinese Government is a long-term and urgent task.