What are the types of lab equipment? How are they used?

Instruments that can be heated directly: test tubes, evaporating dishes, crucibles, burning spoons

Those that can be heated indirectly (with asbestos mesh): beakers, flasks, conical flasks

Instruments that can't be heated: measuring cylinders, collecting cylinders, funnels, thermometers, dropping flasks, surface dishes, wide-mouthed flasks, finely-spoken flasks, and so forth

Instruments that are used in specific experiments for natural science are mainly Physics, chemistry, biology use more instruments (including chemical instruments). The commonly used experimental instruments in modern times are test tubes, beakers, evaporating dishes, crucibles, alcohol lamps, Brinell's funnels, gas-washing flasks, drying tubes, pallet balances, volumetric cylinders, volumetric flasks, burettes, measuring devices, and so on.

Expanded Information:

Laboratory Instruments p>Laboratory instrumentation industry, the main enterprises nearly 700 items, with laboratory centrifuges, balances, thermal analysis instruments, power test instruments, vacuum instruments and devices, electrophoresis, casting test instruments, strain gauge, environmental test equipment, geotechnical test instruments, acoustic instruments, ceramics testing instruments, 12 specialties.

Containers used for larger amounts of reagents and liquid substances to participate in the reaction can be divided into round-bottomed flasks, flat-bottomed flasks and distillation flasks. They can all be used to assemble gas generating devices. Distillation flasks are used for distillation to separate mutually soluble substances with different boiling points.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Experimental Instruments