How many classes of medical devices are there? Disposable blood collection tubes, single-use sterilized rubber surgical gloves belong to several categories. Online and so on

Medical devices are classified according to their safety of use Class I refers to, through routine management is sufficient to ensure its safety, effectiveness of medical devices. Generally by the Municipal Food and Drug Administration to approve, issue a registration certificate. Class II refers to its safety, effectiveness should be controlled medical devices. Generally by the Provincial Food and Drug Administration to approve the registration certificate issued. Class III refers to, implanted in the human body; used to support, maintain life; potentially dangerous to the human body, its safety, effectiveness must be strictly controlled medical devices. Generally by the State Food and Drug Administration to approve, issue a registration certificate. But the approval of a medical device in the end is classified into several categories of the side is not a lifelong change, is determined by its safety, the State Bureau has the right to change its classification, such as masks in the general period of time are divided into a class of, but in the period of SARS was classified as a class of two. Disposable blood collection tubes and disposable gloves belong to Class II refers to, on its safety, effectiveness should be controlled medical devices.