invoice header
the header of the invoice cannot be empty. You can fill in the name of an individual or company, and the number of words is limited to 28 words.
invoice content
if you purchase Amazon's self-operated Kindle equipment, 3C, household appliances, medical devices and other products involving after-sales warranty, and the amount of the products is greater than that of 5 yuan, we will provide the invoice automatically issued by the system with the full name of the products only, and the invoice content cannot be modified. At the same time, the system will issue separate invoices for you, that is, one commodity corresponds to one invoice.
if you purchase other non-warranty goods from Amazon, we will automatically provide you with the corresponding invoice content on the page according to the goods you ordered, and the invoice content beyond the scope cannot be issued.
for more information, you can visit the Amazon help page, the invoice system description.