Please help me to translate this passage ~ is the industrial equipment ~ more professional ~ thank you - online etc.

Impeller Sampler Flow Control Sampling (Proportional Flow):

This new sampler is installed as an integral part of the pipeline. There is no need for external power or control. This new sampling flow control sampling features an impeller-driven sampling probe and sample circulation back to the probe assembled with a blind flange mounted inside the pipe at the tee-flanged outlet location. The system utilizes a rotary sampling valve, mcfarland-tritan limited, sample volume regulator, inlet probe, return probe piping shutoff valve and fluid pressure regulator. The rotary sampling valve and hydrodynamic impeller control the sampling frequency. Adjustable sample volume regulator controls sample size from 0 to 2.5 cubic centimeters. The rotary sampling valve alternately adjusts the volume until the probe fills or the sample container empties. The rotary sample, sample volume regulator and probe arrangement is designed to allow passage of sand and sediment and water through the sampler without clogging or damage. No check valves are required to eliminate potential cutting or clogging. This fluid sampling system will be mounted on a blind flange or pipe tee with an additional saddle, flange outlet and hot water faucet. A 24-inch sampler provides 24 lines of inches-customer persuasion over the center of the piping facing the sampler-mounting flange. The new sampler can be mounted on the flange side of the outlet with a flat end tee, beveled and welded to the pipe. Flange size and pressure rating match line requirements. Sample volume regulator capacity: 0 to 10 cubic centimeters. Special volume adjusters are available for large sample sizes. Accessories include sample container, sheet metal, flanges, bolts and gaskets. Fluid flow provides power and control of sample rate. Changing the sampling rate is proportional to the change in flow rate in the line. Mounted in a horizontal or vertical line with a sampling standard