Precision stainless steel tube fittings is how to polish?
Currently commonly used polishing methods Currently commonly used polishing methods are the following: 1.1 Mechanical polishing Mechanical polishing is by cutting, plastic deformation of the surface of the material to remove the convexity of the polished surface and get a smooth surface of the polishing method, the general use of oleander bars, wool wheels, sandpaper, etc., mainly by hand, special parts, such as the surface of the rotary body, the use of rotary table and other auxiliary tools, the surface quality of the requirements of the high quality of the surface can be used to adopt the super The high surface quality requirement can use the ultra-precision research and polishing method. Ultra-precision grinding and polishing is the use of special abrasives, containing abrasives in the research and polishing liquid, tightly pressed on the surface of the workpiece being processed, for high-speed rotary movement. With this technique, a surface roughness of Ra0.008 μ m can be achieved, which is the highest among various polishing methods. Optical lens molds often use this method. 1.2 Chemical polishing Chemical polishing is a method in which the microscopic convex part of the surface of the material is preferentially dissolved over the concave part in a chemical medium, resulting in a smooth surface. The main advantage of this method is that it does not require complex equipment, can polish complex shaped workpieces, can polish many workpieces at the same time, high efficiency. The core problem of chemical polishing is the preparation of polishing solution. The surface roughness obtained by chemical polishing is generally in the order of 10 μm. 1.3 Electrolytic Polishing The basic principle of electrolytic polishing is the same as that of chemical polishing, i.e., the surface is smoothed by selectively dissolving the tiny projections on the surface of the material. Compared with chemical polishing, the effect of cathodic reaction can be eliminated, the effect is better.