1, the reason for scrapping: list the reasons for scrapping the waste compression treatment station, such as aging, damage, can not meet the production needs, etc..
2, the scope of the end of life: to determine the scope of the waste compaction treatment station, including specific equipment, components or the entire compaction treatment station.
3, the end of time: to determine the waste compaction processing station of the end of time, including specific date or time period.
4, end-of-life treatment: to determine the waste compression treatment station end-of-life treatment, including the treatment of end-of-life equipment and the treatment of waste.
5, the disposal of end-of-life equipment: to determine the disposal of waste compaction treatment station equipment, including disassembly, recycling, sale or other disposal methods.
6, the treatment of waste: determine the treatment of waste compaction treatment station waste, including classification, cleaning, recycling, disposal or other treatment methods.
7, scrapping follow-up work: list of waste compression treatment station scrapping related work, including equipment renewal, replacement, maintenance, reconstruction and so on.
8, safety and security: to determine the waste compression and treatment station scrapping process of safety measures, including the safety of equipment dismantling, waste cleanup and disposal of safety.