The monetary limits for public tendering are mainly based on the Provisions on the Scope and Scale Standards for Tendering of Construction Projects. For projects involving construction, procurement of important equipment and materials, as well as survey, design and supervision services, the thresholds for bidding amounts are as follows:
1. Projects with an estimated single contract price of 4 million RMB or more for construction must be subject to public bidding.
2. Projects procuring important equipment or materials with a single contract estimate of RMB 2 million or more are likewise subject to public tendering.
3. Procurement of survey, design and supervision services that have an estimated single contract price of more than 1 million yuan are also required to use open tendering.
It is worth noting that there is also a clear standard for the amount of public bidding in government procurement. According to a notice published on the Chinese government website, procurement projects of ministries and commissions under the State Council and directly subordinate organizations must adopt open tendering if the individual amount exceeds 1.2 million yuan, regardless of whether it is goods or services. Meanwhile, goods and services procured by departments on their own are subject to open bidding in compliance with the provisions of the Government Procurement Law and the Bidding and Tendering Law if the amount of a single item or batch exceeds 500,000 yuan, as well as if the amount of an engineering project exceeds 600,000 yuan.
The above provisions aim to ensure openness, transparency and fair competition in large-scale projects to safeguard the interests of the public **** and stable socio-economic development.