How should occupational therapy treat patients with craniocerebral injuries?

When developing an occupational therapy program, it is necessary to first undergo a careful and thoughtful evaluation to understand and grasp the patient's general state, and then, according to the stage of the patient's development of different treatment programs and select the appropriate therapeutic meansTherapists in the process of treatment, they should at all times closely observe the patient's changes in all aspects of the information communicated in a timely manner with the group of other professionals, at any time to adjust the therapeutic programs and

Operational therapy for patients with craniocerebral injury can partly be referred to the treatment method of stroke. However, due to the fact that patients with craniocerebral injury are not only paralyzed on one side of the limbs, but also have dysfunctions on both sides of the limbs, and the decline in comprehension, memory, and spatial recognition caused by higher brain dysfunction, as well as emotional disorders, the training process will be more difficult than that of patients with strokes. Therefore, the therapist must have a high degree of responsibility, patience and necessary professional knowledge, and in the process of therapeutic assessment, constantly find out the best plan

Operational therapy can be roughly divided into the following stages according to the clinical characteristics of craniocerebral injury:

Phase 1: lethargy or awareness of external things, but difficult to deal with. and reaction to external things, but difficult to deal with

Stage 2:Difficulty in accepting the changes in oneself, big mood fluctuation, and not adapting to the state of reality

Stage 3:Gradually accepting and adapting to the reality

(I)Treatment in the First Stage

1.Functional evaluation of patients in the first stage is actually the evaluation of early intervention in occupational therapy due to the rapid change of the disorder characteristics of the patients with cranio-cerebral trauma, and it is necessary for them to have a better understanding of the function of the patients in the first stage of occupational therapy. The characteristics of the disorders change quickly, the need for early intervention in occupational therapy When the patient is in a coma, the main assessment of early occupational therapy is the level of consciousness and the function of the limbs The main purpose is to maintain the patient's limb function and cognitive ability, and to prevent secondary disorders If the patient's level of consciousness is in a normal state, the specific assessment content is as follows:

(1) Cognitive: how does the patient respond?

(1)Cognition:How does the patient respond? Can you respond to simple verbal commands? Can the patient communicate verbally or with his eyes, such as "hold my hand"?

(2) Visual: Can the patient look at something or the therapist with their eyes? Can they open their eyes when they hear a sound?

(3) Sensory:Can the patient respond to external stimuli? For example, respond to pain or cold

(4) Joint mobility:Does the patient have limited joint mobility? If so, it is necessary to determine whether this is due to increased tone or spasm of the decorticated or decerebralized tonic muscles, or whether a joint contracture is present

(5) Muscle strength:Is the patient's muscle group weak with unchanged tone?

(6) Motor control:Does the patient have decorticate or decerebrate tonus? Is there hypertonic spasticity or hypotonia? Is there a single limb, unilateral limb or bilateral limb involvement? Are primitive reflexes present?

(7) Swallowing: Does the patient feed himself? Is there choking? Is the patient able to close his mouth without leaking food or drooling?

(8) Psychosocial and behavioral:Is the patient quiet or emotionally unstable?

The evaluation of patients in the first stage is generally accomplished with the help of protractor unarmed muscle strength testing method traditional neurological examination method and clinical observation GCS Coma Scale and RANCHOSLOSAMIGOS Scale are commonly used to evaluate the cognitive level of patients in this period

2. Occupational therapy Generally, the goals of occupational therapy for patients in the first stage are:To improve the patients' If the patient's vital signs are relatively stable, the patient should be allowed to carry out all kinds of training in the seated position and seated eating as much as possible, to prevent long-term bed rest, in order to prepare for the next step into the operation therapy room for the operation therapy

The main content includes: good posture perceptual stimulation of the correct seated orthosis application of dysphagia behavioral-emotional treatment and the education of family members to accompany the patient. The education of the family accompaniment

(1)The maintenance of good posture and joint mobility:In the case of the patient in the early stage of the onset of lethargy, it is likely that due to the presence of flaccid or spasmodic primitive reflexes abnormal posture, or due to the fracture of the medical treatment of the fracture as well as some human action, such as cleaning and hygiene to do the neurological examination, etc., so that it is difficult for the patient to maintain a good posture bad posture on the one hand, can cause skin damage and the formation of ulcers, on the other hand, can cause the skin to be damaged. On the one hand, poor posture can cause damage to the skin to form ulcers, on the other hand, due to the imbalance of muscle tension, easy to cause joint contracture and deformation and abnormal posture Based on the above reasons, take a good lying posture, change the position at regular intervals, passive and auxiliary joint activities, are effective methods (2) perceptual stimulation: in the early stage of cranio-cerebral injuries, the operation of the treatment of the patient there is also an important work, that is, through the controllable perception stimulation, enhance and improve the patient's level of consciousness, improve the patient's level of awareness, improve the patient's level of awareness, and improve the patient's level of awareness. In the early stage of cranial brain injury, there is another important task in occupational therapy, which is to improve the patient's level of consciousness through controllable perceptual stimulation. Perceptual stimulation can be started from the patient's early semi-sleeping state or sleepy state

There are many different ways of perceptual stimulation, and generally visual, auditory, tactile, and other aspects of stimulation can be used.

1) Visual: Let the patient sit on the bed or in a wheelchair, and the action itself will make the patient get rid of the visual environment of seeing only the ceiling, and the visual environment of looking at the surroundings itself will make the patient feel more comfortable. The very act of gazing at the surroundings is the most basic visual function training on which the patient is further instructed to pay attention to observing people and things in the surroundings

2)Auditory: Using bells, rattles, and other sound-producing objects to make sounds in various directions, the patient is practiced in responding to auditory stimuli. Generally the patient's response is to incline his head in the direction of the sound produced, and sometimes the visual stimulation and auditory stimulation can be carried out simultaneously.

3)Tactile: superficial sensation, for example, the use of rough or soft and other texture of the cloth, rubbing the patient's skin surface, instructing the patient to point out the friction part of the perceptual stimulation training, the therapist should understand the patient's life before the injury personality and interests, so that you can give him a more meaningful sensory stimulation In general, the patient is easy to respond to the family's verbal request for touch and breath. breath is easy to respond to the family's verbal requests touch and breath, while it is more difficult for professionals so, from the early stages of treatment, the treatment team should include a family member, which is very helpful to improve the therapeutic effect with the progress of training, should be from a single stimulus to a variety of composite stimulation gradually transition to the sensory stimulation and verbal commands to the patient's response to the sensory stimulation, can be applied to the function of the sensory stimulation close to the training

(3) correct sitting posture. Sitting posture: Sitting posture is very important because whether it is bed sitting or wheelchair sitting, it provides an opportunity for the patient to have direct contact with the surrounding environment in an upward body posture. Correct sitting posture can prevent pressure sores and joint contractures, promote muscle tone, inhibit primitive reflexes, and improve the patient's cognitive function

(4)Splints and Orthotics: Splints and orthotics are mainly used for the following purposes in the early stages of the disease. The use of splints and orthotics in the early stage is mainly used for: ① spasticity limits the patient's functional activities and cause ADL dependence; ② there are limited joint movement; ③ potential soft tissue contracture may occur hand and wrist splints are often used to maintain its functional position and reduce muscle tone at rest (see Chapter IV, Section IV of this book, the treatment of stroke) the correct use of splints is to wear alternately for 2 hours caregivers and companions should know how to wear the splints, the use of splints and the use of splints. Nursing and nursing staff should know the correct way to put on the splint and learn to check the skin regularly for damage

(5)Dysphagia: Comatose patients can use a gastric tube to eat once the patient is comfortable and cooperative, the doctor can decide when to remove the gastric tube, and the evaluation of dysphagia begins at the same time, and its training is often begun when the patient's condition improves further

(6)Behavioral and emotional management When the patient begins to gradually familiarize himself with the environment around him, there will often be a kind of confusion, emotional instability or indifference to the initial patient therapist should be calm and patient, again to the patient to introduce the therapist's duties, the patient's current situation, etc. If the patient's mood is unstable, the patient should be given enough time to express their feelings, so that the patient feels that his needs in the therapist attentively listen to the patient when the patient's chaotic condition When the patient's ability to cooperate improves, a quiet environment should be chosen to begin treatment, and at least one family member should be present

(7)Guidance from family members and companions: family members and companions are also involved in the treatment team is a useful way to effectively obtain the cooperation of family members in the rehabilitation process and help them to provide information for the treatment and to help maintain an appropriate bed during sensory stimulation. They can help during sensory stimulation and can participate in joint mobility training When the patient is awake and able to move, they can help directly in the patient's ability to maintain the correct posture in the wheelchair eating motions and ADL training In addition, because family members and companions may also experience fear of emotional loss, the therapist should also support them psychologically while providing guidance to them The therapist should respect the The therapist should respect the family's need to express their feelings and make the family feel that their concerns are understood by the therapist, which is very important

(II) Treatment of the second stage

Patients in the second stage are lucid, but often show confusion and inappropriate responses The evaluation of patients in this stage is similar to that of patients in the first stage, and should include the evaluation of the physical condition of the body and swallowing condition of the sensory cognitive function. In addition, a broader assessment of ADLs' ability to work and reintegrate into society may be required, which may require multiple repetitions due to the patient's lack of attention span

There are two main therapeutic approaches to this stage: a rehabilitation model based on the theory of neuroplasticity, and a compensatory model, usually accomplished through the modification of the environment by the use of appropriate equipment and the use of healthy-side compensations. The latter is usually accomplished by modification of the environment with appropriate equipment and the use of healthy side compensation

1. Limb condition is assessed by joint mobility, perceptual-motor function, and control of activities

Prerequisites for normal movement include: normal postural tension, controllable overall balance of extensors and flexors, and near-normal stabilization and the ability to perform selective movement patterns due to spasticity, soft tissue contracture, and the emergence of primitive reflexes and postural reflexes. The weakening or disappearance of spasticity, soft tissue contracture, loss of muscle strength, and sensory impairment will affect the patient's ability to perform activities independently and have normal control

The general principles of rehabilitation of limb motor function in patients with craniofacial injuries include: to promote the control of the muscles from the proximal to the terminal end of the body, to promote symmetrical postural maintenance, to promote the integration of bilateral limbs in the activities and to obtain the correct sensory experience

(The treatment methods are described in Chapter 4 of this book, Section IV. treatment is described in chapter 4, section 4 of this book, the treatment of stroke)

2. Swallowing conditionAssessment of the patient's swallowing condition should include both clinical observation and imaging examinationClinical examination can help the examiner to determine whether the cause of dysphagia is caused by emotional impulsivity (whether the patient is gulping down the food, resulting in breathlessness and choking) or whether it is caused by restriction of mouth movement (whether the patient is able to move the food, the or pocket food with the mouth; whether the patient is able to process saliva produced during eating or is drooling significantly; whether the patient engages in chewing bilaterally or whether one side compensates for the other) The clinical examination also provides the therapist with information about the patient's cognitive functioning (whether the patient knows the purpose of the utensils and the type of food) sensory abilities (whether there is unilateral neglect), and verbal functioning (whether the patient is able to say the utensils' Imaging is necessary to determine if there are structural or physiologic oropharyngeal and esophageal pathologies that interfere with swallowing, and to determine if the patient has the ability to handle solid liquids, information that can be used in the design of an eating plan

It is important to note that inappropriate postural behavioral disruptions can be detrimental to cognitive and perceptual function. Cognitive and perceptual impairments can affect swallowing

The therapist needs to work with the clinician and the speech therapy professional to take the necessary measures to address these swallowing problems. For example, in the case of a lack of ability to suck, an object such as a pacifier can be used to gently stimulate the perioral area of the mouth and lips in order to induce sucking; in addition, placing a small amount of food with a sour flavor in the mouth can help to induce sucking. In addition, putting a small amount of food with sour taste in the mouth can help to induce the appearance of sucking reflex; the movement of the tongue in all directions plays a vital role in the chewing and swallowing of food; without proper tongue movement, food cannot be transferred to the position in the mouth that is conducive to chewing and swallowing. In the case of dyskinesia of the tongue muscle, ice-cream can be utilized, or jam can be smeared with a kind of sticky food in the corners of the mouth of the patient, and the patient is instructed to do the licking action with the tongue, which is very beneficial to promote the function of the tongue. When the patient's swallowing function is weakened, the food can be prepared into small mixed moist lumps for swallowing

3. The treatment of perceptual disorders includes the treatment of some common disorientation and dysarthria

(1)Hemispheric spatial deactivation:The operational treatment of hemispheric spatial deactivation is divided into two phases, i.e., the bed resting period and the period of being out of the bed

1)Bed resting period The basic starting point for the treatment of hemianopic spatial agnosia is how to make the patient recognize the space of the agnosia. The simplest way is for the therapist to greet the patient from the side of the agnosia and do the training, and the patient can be allowed to read, and can also be prompted to the target object in the field of vision, so that the tracking line of sight to the agnosia side of the moving object, can be used to point to the target with the finger with the line of sight, without rotating the head. Can be on the patient's side of the loss of recognition, to be tactile snap massage cold and other sensory stimulation, but also let the patient's own activities on the paralyzed side or stimulation of the paralyzed side, but also let the patient's activity limbs across the midline to the opposite side to get deliberately placed on the patient's side of the loss of recognition of the much-needed items can be the use of brightly colored objects or flashlights to attract reminders of the affected side of the patient's attention

suitable for the development of the operation of the treatment of the bedside contents:

①All the treatment personnel as far as possible from the side of the dementia to greet the patient, talk

②Listening to the radio will be placed on the side of the dementia, to give the patient auditory stimulation

③Patients can be allowed to read the books and newspapers, you can start a conversation about the content

④To carry out a moderate range of motion training joints

⑤Rotate the tray 180 ° when eating to cause the patient's attention to the side of the food

⑤Rotate the tray 180 °, to cause the patient's attention to the side of the dementia to the food. To draw the patient's attention to the food on the dementia side

6 Instruct family members and accompanying persons to greet and talk to the patient from the dementia side

2)Bed leaving period:If the patient can remain sitting in a wheelchair or at the bedside for more than 30 minutes, he or she can be allowed by the doctor to go into the occupational therapy room to carry out more detailed and more targeted occupational therapy

Specific treatment contents are as follows

A. Methods to promote functional recovery and reorganization: visual exploration of objects on the desktop or screen; moving sticks to the dementia side; drawing and puzzles; picking up and placing cards; pushing a sandboard; range of motion; moving a throwing ring from the healthy side to the dementia side; throwing and catching sponge balls; transferring, mainly practicing bed-to-bed transfer; and intentionally throwing the ball to the dementia side. For example, when transferring from a wheelchair to a bed, the patient has sufficient muscle strength on the healthy side, so even if the affected side of the foot does not play a role in the pedals, the patient can complete the transfer with the healthy side alone. However, if the patient starts the transfer from the affected side, it will be difficult to complete the transfer due to the problem on the affected side. Therefore, by asking the patient to do the transfer from the affected side, we can make the patient pay attention to the affected side, and let the patient realize that the patient can't complete the transfer without the movement on the affected side. If the motor function of the affected limb is at Brunnstrum level 3 or above, the patient can carry out the transfer movement training to the affected side

B. Integration method: According to the degree of hemispatial deactivation of the patient, multiple training methods will be integrated into the specific treatment phase to form a stage-by-stage treatment in order to achieve the goal of phased treatment treatment treatment is preferable to choose a single room or a quiet place to allow the patient's healthy side to lean against the wall, the therapist is located in the side of the deactivated side to select stimuli to carry out the treatment. There are several methods of treatment:

a. Inter-sensory integration: This is a method of integration through the use of various sensory stimuli Visual step-by-step training:

From a narrow range of a horizontal line gradually evolved into a flat subject, and the spatial scope of exploration from the healthy side of the space gradually step-by-step expansion of the space on the side of the dementia; through the control of the size of the object in the exploration of the space and the number of to In the training of searching for objects, the difficulty of searching for objects is controlled step by step; and the treatment of sequential tracking in the exploration space is gradually developed into the treatment of tracking in the exploration space with discontinuous and large movements of the eyeballs in all directions

Auditory and somatosensory training: Similarly, the training is also strengthened gradually according to the degree of awareness of the dementia side. The ability to recognize the body can be improved by turning over to the demented side and shifting the center of gravity in the left and right directions in the supine position so that the demented side is loaded with weight to emphasize the sensation and improve the recognition of the body. At the same time, different senses can be combined to improve the awareness of the space on the dementia side

Auditory and visual: When doing the block training for space exploration, auditory stimuli can be applied step by step to promote the expansion of the space on the dementia side, and the sound from the dementia side can help to promote the visual exploration on the dementia side

Somatosensory and visual: While shifting the weight on the dementia side, the vision can be promoted through visual exploration; visual exploration and hand reaching can be promoted through the visual exploration and hand reaching; the visual exploration and hand reaching can be promoted through the visual exploration. In the visual exploration and hand reaching training, head movement and upper limb manipulation are added to promote visual and visuospatial awareness of the anorectally illiterate side, and visual awareness of the anorectally illiterate side is induced through postural control

The correct integration of visual and somatosensory senses promotes normal postural responses, and the correct feedback of senses through appropriate reinforcement of auditory stimuli is more effective in improving hemianopsia. Spatial deafferentation effectively generalizes the results of inter-sensory integration to PADL and IADL, improving the ability to complete daily life

C. Compensatory methods: When the patient's function is difficult to be fully restored, compensatory methods can be used

a. Use of cues to promote the attention of the deafferent side: in the visual exploration of the object of the training, the training of reading, and eating utensils and the aisle of the deafferent side, red cues can be added to promote the attention of the deafferent side.

b. Methods to promote attention on the side of the patient that is difficult to recognize:

The patient can recognize the space on the healthy side of the body as the center of the set of daily activities such as placing light switches, television pagers on the healthy side of the tape on the floor to indicate a good route back to the hospital room, and the door is well marked, etc. The patient has not yet fully recovered the function of the use of such compensatory methods

D. Vestibular stimulation: vestibular stimulation of a variety of methods can improve the patient's symptoms, such as the left side of the transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the cervical muscles of proprioceptive stimulation --- the vibration of the left posterior cervical muscles in different directions of the neck turn the movement of the vestibular have a stimulating effect on the vestibular, help to improve the symptoms of memory disorders, the visual imagery technique also has a stimulating effect on the vestibular, help to improve the symptoms of memory disorders. The visual imagery technique is also effective for this symptom

E. Activities of daily living: Repeatedly practicing activities of daily living items, the patient's activities of daily living to be broken down in detail, at the same time, let the patient describe the key steps, as a reminder of the method of practicing the completion of activities of daily living to let the patient to watch the video camera captured the patient's daily living activities of the video camera, clear and timely feedback to the patient's own movement errors, and to be specific. The patient can watch the images of daily life activities filmed by the camera, which will give the patient a clear and timely feedback on the mistakes of his/her movements and correct them

When the combined motor disorder of the patients with visuospatial agnosia is less severe, their daily life activities can be restored to the level of self-care, whereas the patients with more severe motor disorder can only restore to the level of partially self-care for their daily life activities

F. Environmental aspects: three aspects

a. Supplies and equipments: when dressing, choose the clothes with clear signs of front and back, right and left. Choose clothes with obvious signs on the front and back, or sew obvious signs; if the patient often forgets to pull the handbrake of the wheelchair, you can make a good sign at the footrest, or make a good sign at the position where the wheelchair should be parked so that the patient can park the wheelchair in the correct position

b. Living environment and equipment: the ward where the patients with hemi-lateral spatial deactivation are going to stay should be adjusted in accordance with the degree of hemi-lateral spatial deactivation on the patients. The position of the bed towards the light switch and the position of the bed in relation to the position of the TV, etc.

c. Surrounding humanistic environment: close communication with other professional therapists, nurses, caregivers, family members, is conducive to the assessment and deeper understanding of the assessment results to determine the state of the patient, and with the relevant personnel *** with the decision of the treatment policy and implementation of the method of treatment

G. Families and the patient's side: for the family to be Give guidance and assistance to the family can often accompany the patient, and at any time to stimulate, which is important in the treatment of auxiliary significance to guide and help the family, first of all, to make them understand the patient, and grasp the best way to deal with the therapist should pay attention to the patient's family to give spiritual support and guidance, to the patient should be gradually to promote the correct mastery of their own diseases and disorders, as far as possible so that they can be aware of their own problems in real life.

H. Game activities: You can use jigsaw puzzles and chess and other game activities to carry out targeted training on hemispatial dementia by directing the patient's attention so that the patient can gradually and correctly complete the game activities

In recent years, there have been attempts at treating hemispatial dementia, such as: 1) Caloricstimulation: In 1985, Rubens first reported on the treatment of hemispatial dementia in a study of the disease in the United States. In 1985, Rubens first reported that the use of cold water stimulation of the left ear or warm water stimulation of the right ear induces a rightward nystagmus, but also induces a slow phase of the nystagmus to the left, which improves the symptoms of hemifacial spatial agnosia, and then there are a number of scholars, such as CappaVallarRode, and other related reports ② Stimulation of optokinetic movement: by optokinetic movement induced by the nystagmus to improve the hemifacial spatial agnosia in 1990. Pizzamiglio L reported that: the use of equally spaced parallel lines moving in one direction can induce optokinetic nystagmus, by inducing a slow-phase nystagmus to the left, the hemispatial agnosia can be improved ③ Prisms: prisms serve to shift the contralateral visual field to the center, and there are cases in which patients' visual perceptual activity has been significantly improved after four weeks of wear. 4) Eye masks: eye masks or simultaneous stimulation of the agnosia side can achieve a beneficial effect on the healthy side. (5) Video feedback method: The patient's work activities are monitored by video recording and the results are fed back to the patient, who can relearn more ways to complete these activities by watching them. In this way, it is recommended that a mirror be installed in relatively dangerous workplaces (e.g., kitchens) to reflect the left side of the loss of vision to the right side, so that the patient can be aware of it and avoid the occurrence of burns, scalds, etc. This is a good way to avoid the occurrence of burns and scalds. burns, etc.

(2)Gerstman's Syndrome:It includes 4 aspects:

1)Left-right disorientation:The therapist often provides left-right directional cues to help the patient recognize objects on his left or right side during treatment; marking the two sides of clothes and shoes, etc., with different ribbons of color; shouting out the direction of the left or right accordingly when performing work activities; adding extra tactile sensations on a selected side of the hand; and using the left side of the hand as a reference point for the patient. Additional tactile or proprioceptive stimulation on the selected side of the hand, such as tying a weight belt around the right wrist to help the patient to recognize it, and it is not advisable to change the side after it is selected

2)Finger dysarthria:Give the patient tactile stimulation on the fingers, and at the same time, call out the name of the hand, and repeat the process on different fingers

3)Loss of arithmetic:Provide the patient with some arithmetic operations, starting with the written arithmetic of the number of units, then gradually increasing the difficulty of arithmetic operations; after that, it can be used as an example. After that, the patient can be given the assignments that can automatically appear the number, so that he can recognize and be familiar with the numbers in them, such as playing cards and throwing dice, etc., in order to train the patient's number perception, to improve the ability of mental arithmetic, and to improve the patient's number dyslexia

4)Dyslexia: assist the patient in writing, and tell him the meaning of the material written, if the healthy limbs have the possibility of writing, the training of the healthy limbs should be emphasized in this regard



(3)Dyslexia) /p>

(3)Disease dyscognition:Treatment is very difficult, and frequent reminders and supervision are needed, but the symptom mostly resolves within 3-6 months

(4)Structural dyscognition:For structural dyscognition, the patient can be asked to repeat the simple copying or imitating the subject matter of the exercises for the left hemisphere injury, using the copying or imitating the subject matter of the markings, starting from the simple graphic progress to the subject matter of the markings decreasing, and then progressing to the subject matter of the markings. For patients with left hemispheric injury, the patient can use the topic of copying or imitating with markings, starting from simple graphics, progressing to the topic of decreasing markings, and then to complex graphics, which can be developed from flat graphics to three-dimensional graphics. For patients with right hemispheric injury, the patient can first use the copying or imitating training of simple words or graphics, and then gradually develop to the copying training of complex graphics. Starting with 2 to 3 blocks, gradually increase the number and progress from simple to complex combinations, and also from the level of flat combinations to the level of three-dimensional combinations

2)Matchstick puzzles: Use matchsticks to imitate the pattern given by the therapist and start with 2 to 3 matchsticks, gradually transitioning to complex shapes

3)Building wooden pegs training: the use of wooden pegs, according to the model given by the therapist, to imitate the building of graphics

4) the conversion of flat patterns into three-dimensional structure of the training: this is the drawing of flat patterns on paper prompted to the patient, so that the patient to use the combination of wooden blocks or pegs, such as three-dimensional structure of the training

5) the puzzle training: will be drawn on the board of the pattern divided into several pieces, will be messed up in the composition of the pattern of the individual components

5)the pattern training: the pattern will be divided into several pieces, will be messed up to form patterns

6)Jigsaw training: the use of the market to sell the simpler puzzle to do the training to the content of simple and close relationship with daily life is good, too complex and more will invite the patient to produce confusion training should pay attention to: only after the patient can complete the subject, can be developed to the more difficult subject of the training

(5) motor disability: due to the failure to use the completion of the fine motor The therapist should give a lot of hints and reminders in the process of practicing, or the therapist should guide the patient to improve and then reduce the hints and reminders, and at the same time, increase the difficulty of the activities

(6)Dressing Disability: Dressing Disability is an important training program in the occupational therapy, and the therapist should have a full understanding of the patient's previous dressing habits, and try to find out how to dress in a similar way to the patient before the onset of the disease, and establish the best way of dressing. The therapist should fully understand the patient's previous dressing habits, try to find similar dressing methods with the patient before the onset of the disease, to establish specific steps, according to determine the steps every day to repeat the practice until the patient mastered the therapist to teach the patient to identify the left and right front and back of the clothing inside and outside, if necessary, can be left and right front and back inside and outside of the marking can be done If the patient can not correctly buckle the buttons, to guide the patient to start from the bottom of the buttons buckle up to the last button can be the lowest buttons and buttons with the buttonhole dyed with a special color to allow the patient to identify the buckle When the button action is difficult, the patient is instructed to hold the button with the fingers through the buttonhole, and use the fingers to experience the feeling of button deduction

Dressing training can be based on the patient's specific situation, the effective use of verbal commands in the training, but also pay attention to the impact of environmental factors on the dressing, but also with the aid of videotapes to help training

Dressing disorientation is often accompanied by hemispace dyslexia, hemisomnia, and structural disorientation, which is accompanied by hemispace dyslexia, and other hemispace dyslexia. The patients with dressing disorders that are accompanied by hemispatial dysarthria can be referred to the treatment of hemispatial dysarthria

4. Cognitive ability: Cognitive disorders are multifaceted, and the treatment of attention, memory, and thinking disorders is mainly introduced here

(1) Attention disorders: Although attention disorders are only one aspect of cognitive disorders, their rehabilitation is the center of the cognitive rehabilitation, and only when attention disorders are corrected can memory, learning, and learning be improved. Only after correcting the attention disorder, the rehabilitation of cognitive disorders such as memory, learning, communication, and problem solving can be carried out effectively

1)Principles to be followed in the training:

A. Before each training, when giving verbal advice to provide information or change the activity, we should be sure that the patient has paid attention, and, if possible, we should ask the patient to repeat the words that have been said just now

B. We should apply more functional activities to the treatment, and we can use colorful life activities in the treatment of attention disorder. Treatment, in the rich and colorful life activities, to improve the ability to pay attention and resilience

C. Training should be avoided to interfere with the use of the environment can affect the implementation of the concept of the activity, the treatment should be carried out first in a quiet environment does not cause distraction, and gradually transferred to the near-normal and normal environment for the work of the patient with a brain injury, interference should be strictly limited to a minimum, such as the beginning of the allow only a A few people to be with him at a certain time, or one person to carry out therapeutic activities If possible, arrange his activities in his own room to minimize changes in the environment

D. When the patient's attention improves, gradually increase the duration of the treatment and the difficulty of the task Teach the patient to take the initiative in observing his surroundings, identifying the factors that cause potential inattention, and eliminating them or changing their location,. For example, the location of a television radio or an open door

E. Emphasize the importance of completing each step in the order in which the activity is performed and explain exactly why it is being done

F. Work with the patient and family members to set goals and implement the training plan. Encourage family caregivers to participate in the training so that they are aware of the patient's condition and caregiving skills, and encourage them to apply the skills learned in the training during non-therapeutic hours to supervise the patient

The patient should be given the opportunity to use the training as a tool to improve their concentration. The patient

G. While paying attention to the training, the rehabilitation of other cognitive disorders, such as memory, orientation, judgment and executive function, should be taken into account and dealt with effectively

2)Training methods:


a.The interest method:

a.Discovering the patients Interest method: find the patient interesting things and familiar activities to stimulate attention, such as the use of computer games, the picture begins, in a leafy tree, monkeys playing, when the patient's attention and interest, and gradually deepen into the novel and complex scenarios, and then let the patient operate on their own, do not expand the amount of stimulation easily until mastery of the training to pay attention to the observation of the mental fatigue

b.Demonstration method: Demonstrate the activities you want the patient to do, and use language patients to do activities, and use language to prompt them to a variety of sensory modalities to show the activities to be done, which helps the patient to understand the information you want them to focus their attention, such as tai chi, while letting the patient to see the rigid and flexible stretching smooth movements, while the repetitive explanation of the essentials of the action, so that the patient's visual and auditory mobilization of the enhancement of the attention of the

c. Reward method: the use of words to praise or other Reinforcement of the stimulus to increase the frequency and duration of the desired attentional behavior, when the desired attentional response occurs, immediately give a reward Therefore, in the attention and other cognitive training, the therapist can prepare a number of stuffed chocolates and a variety of small cartoon patches as a small prize, to stimulate the patient's enthusiasm

d. Token method: This is also a method of reward allows the trainer to use a simple method of training every two minutes for 30 minutes of treatment, and then the trainer can use a simple method of training every two minutes. This is also a reward method that allows the trainer to use a simple method to record whether the patient pays attention to the therapeutic task every two minutes during the 30-minute treatment for five days as a behavioral baseline, and then apply the token method to the treatment, giving tokens to the patient whenever the patient is able to pay attention to the treatment, and the number of tokens that the patient receives each time the patient receives the treatment to
