Medical building electrical design specifications

According to the jurisdiction of the hospital building level can be divided into four levels: (1) provincial hospital buildings; (2) city, prefecture hospital buildings; (3) county hospital buildings; (4) township hospital buildings. Hospital buildings can be divided into three levels according to the size of the area: (1) building area: 10,000m2

and below; (2) building area: 10,000-30,000m2

; (3) building area: 30,000m2

and above. The level of power supply can be divided into four levels according to the level of jurisdiction of the hospital building: (1) provincial hospitals; (2) city and prefecture hospitals; (3) county hospitals; (4) township and township hospitals.

"National Civil Building Engineering Design Technical Measures" in the electrical part of the hospital's electrical load indicators: 40 ~ 70W / m2

, "Building Lighting Design Standards," the lighting power density value of about 12w/m2

, the above indicators are for the county (district)-level hospitals and above to determine, the electrical load indicators are relatively low. Hospitals are usually composed of outpatient, medical technology, inpatient three parts, of which the outpatient, medical rooms of the power load is mainly day load, inpatient rooms of the power load is mainly night load.

The factors affecting the electrical load are mainly illumination standards, air conditioning, pumps, elevators, ventilators, medical equipment configuration, etc.; only familiar with the configuration of medical equipment, medical equipment, electrical capacity valuation and a reasonable choice of calculation coefficients, in order to meet the requirements of the specific site of the electrical load. For clean operating room special air conditioning, usually does not belong to the design institute out of the scope of the map, only reserved capacity, but the data of each manufacturer varies greatly, usually adjusted at a later stage. Due to the rapid development of medical needs, there should be sufficient margin for electricity consumption.

Hospitals are different from residences, and their electricity load should be related to the level and category of the hospital, such as tertiary hospitals or specialized hospitals (whose medical equipment is different), and have little to do with the city and region where the hospital is located. Therefore, it is appropriate to use the function (outpatient, hospitalization, testing) to calculate the load.

Hospitals of different size standards, energy (such as energy for air conditioning), the electrical load varies greatly. At present, Beijing planning electricity 80VA/m2

, suitable for general hospital projects. However, after the introduction of the new "General Hospital Building Design Code", due to the large increase in backup power capacity (hospital logistics support system electricity), electricity indicators will be increased accordingly.