What type of c-bill does the EU fall under? Non-tariff barriers

The EU's bill c belongs to the technical trade type of non-tariff barriers.

New non-tariff barriers, common are:

(1) Technical barriers to trade.

Technical barriers to trade is the modern international trade in goods importing countries in the implementation of trade import control, through the enactment of laws, decrees, regulations, rules, the establishment of technical standards, certification systems, inspection systems, etc., on foreign imports of goods to develop a strict and complicated and demanding technical standards, sanitary and quarantine standards, commodity packaging and labeling standards, so as to improve the technical requirements of imported products, increasing import Difficulty, and ultimately achieve the purpose of restricting imports of a non-tariff barrier measures. These standards and regulations are often to maintain production, consumer safety and people's health as the reason for the development, but its distortion of the original face of the technical rules, so that the original technical standards conducive to the development of international trade has become a means of impeding the normal conduct of international trade, and has become an important source of disputes triggered by modern international trade.

(2) green trade barriers.

Green barriers are often in the name of protecting limited resources, the environment, ecological balance or people's health, deliberately formulate a series of harsh environmental standards, products or services from abroad to be restricted. For this reason, the environmental factors gradually become a weapon serving the trade protectionist policies of various countries, which, as an emerging non-tariff barriers, is bound to be more and more utilized by the developed countries in the West with its characteristics of strong concealment, high technical requirements, flexibility and variability.

(3) labor standards barriers.

The contents of labor standards mainly include: abolition of forced labor; prohibition of the export of labor reform products; strict prohibition of the use and exploitation of child labor; non-discriminatory wage levels, equal pay for work of equal value; implementation of the minimum wage standard, to ensure that the minimum wage level of laborers; workers have the right to free association and collective bargaining and so on. The labor issue is purely a social issue, which does not have any necessary connection with trade. Developed countries try to solve the labor issue by bundling it with trade, and their main purpose is to cut down the labor cost advantage of developing countries