I'm not sure how much it would cost to get a dialysis for uremia.
For patients with uremia, the cost of dialysis is relatively high, due to the different medical equipment in different areas of different prices will be adjusted accordingly, the general cost of dialysis in 300-500 or so, for patients with uremia as well as their families are a great economic burden, and dialysis is only a temporary alternative to kidney detoxification, can not be fundamentally reduced creatinine index, and finally just with the dialysis of the number of times, further shrinkage of the kidney, the cost of dialysis will be higher and higher, and the cost of dialysis is also higher. The kidneys appear further atrophy, dialysis cost will be more and more high, Qingdao Jingkang Chinese Medicine Kidney Disease Hospital, the meridian kidney therapy for the treatment of uremia has a very good therapy, can fundamentally reduce the patient's creatinine index at the same time to repair the damaged renal units to protect the renal units have not been damaged, to avoid the routine dependence on the drawbacks of the creatinine lowering dialysis, and at the same time due to the traditional Chinese medicine system of treatment, the cost is relatively low, to solve the problem of high cost of family difficulties, and to reduce the cost of the kidney, the patient's creatinine index. The problem of not being able to afford the treatment due to the high cost of family difficulties has been solved, and the majority of patients with uremia have been brought the gospel.