Can I be exempted from 60950 after passing 60601?

The 61010 series of standards are all so-called "harmonized standards". The standard numbers are all 5 digits starting with 6, such as 60950 (IT equipment), 60335 (small household appliances), 60601 ( Medical equipment), the 61010 series includes three major categories of products, test and measurement equipment (such as multimeters), laboratory equipment (or laboratory equipment, such as microscopes), and industrial control equipment (such as PLC). Generally, IEC standards (such as IEC 61010-1), then basically there will be the European standard (EN61010-1) in the same year, and later there will be the American UL61010-1 and the Canadian CSA 61010-1, and the corresponding national standard 4793.1 is basically a translation Came here. The updates of national standards often lag far behind IEC standards. If you want to export your products to the EU, you need to comply with EN61010-1. The standard name you mentioned is the name of the entire system. In fact, it is subdivided into 61010-1 part and 61010-2-xx part. The former is a general requirement, while the latter is for Additional requirements for some specific products (such as centrifuge corresponding to 61010-2-020)