Recycling waste plastics how to categorize
Recycling scrap plastics are categorized as PE, PP, PVC, PET, EPS, ABS, PA, etc., of which PE has plastic shed material, industrial packaging film, lactic acid beverage bottles, etc., PP has woven bags, baling bands, bundling ropes, etc., PVC has plastic door and window profiles, tubes, etc., PET has Coke, Sprite, and other tea beverage bottles, and EPS is commonly referred to as Styrofoam. Old plastic is a common term, and does not mean waste, old and useless plastic products. The vast majority of plastic products, especially a large number of single-use, after the use of its plastic material itself does not have a major change in performance, so it is entirely possible to recycle with appropriate methods to reprocess into plastic products after re-use. The more formal term for old plastics is called post-consumer plastic waste, which refers to discarded plastic products after consumption or use. Plastics in the synthesis, molding, processing, circulation and other aspects of the production of waste products, waste, these plastic waste, also known as pre-consumer plastic waste, although this also belongs to the scope of waste plastics, but because of the amount of relatively small, easy to recycle and recycling value of the general manufacturers will be their own recycling and recycling of products directly used in the production.