2, home on the balcony of a variety of flowers and plants bonsai, often clean the room, often sun was, to keep the family environment air fresh and pleasant.
3, to reduce noise pollution, try to reduce the volume of talking or tape recorder playing.
4, the correct disposal of waste, the classification of household garbage, reasonable discharge of domestic water.
5, protect wildlife, do not eat wild animals, to protect the ecological balance.
6, advise family members, relatives and friends not to smoke, do not burn garbage, to maintain the health of family members, to maintain a clean environment.
7, plastic bottles, waste paper, etc. collected and sold to the waste collection station to reduce the emission of garbage.
8, home pets should be well looked after, to prevent affecting the neighbors rest and fecal pollution, to maintain a harmonious living community and environment.
9, wash rice water can water flowers or wash vegetables, flush the toilet.
10, the waste battery into the recycling box or collection to the recycling station.
Save electricity, protect resources and reduce pollution.
Electricity is every one of our elementary school students every day will come into contact with, but also our daily learning and living can not be separated from, but now the consumption is amazing. So every move when using electricity should start from saving.
In our country, power generation mainly relies on coal burning, and the earth's coal is limited. At the current rate of depletion, the world's coal will be consumed in 250 years. After that, we won't have any coal left for our future generations.
Saving electricity means saving coal, and it also contributes directly to reducing air pollution. Because acid rain is due to the formation of coal combustion, it can strongly corrode the building, and can make the soil and water acidification, resulting in reduced food production, grass, fish and shrimp death. According to calculations, only the southwest of China, South China, acid rain caused by economic losses, the annual 14 billion yuan.
Conserving electricity can slow down global warming. As a result of coal combustion emissions of large amounts of carbon dioxide, like a cover to block the ground as the heat to the sky outside the dissemination of the greenhouse effect, if the Earth's temperature rises, will cause droughts or floods, but also make the melting of icebergs. If all the icebergs on Earth melted, countries and islands at lower elevations would disappear.
Those of us living today are definitely moving into the next century, and many of them are vulnerable to increasing global warming. 135,000 children in 192 schools in Germany vowed to reduce harmful gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect by 10 percent in the neighborhoods where they live. They switched to energy-saving lights, refused to use air conditioning, gave up using cars and opted for bicycles. After seven months of hard work, they have reached their goal.
In the blink of an eye, we are entering the beautiful month of June, which is a great time to plant trees and green the country. In order to create a good green home and protect the ecological environment, I suggest that students:
Love nature, care for flowers and trees, and protect animals.
Carry out tree planting and greening activities.
Actively publicize environmental protection and bring environmental awareness to thousands of households
Nowadays, through a variety of media, everyone is becoming more and more aware of the existence of environmental and developmental problems. Many people have heard about the disappearance of tropical rainforests, acid rain, the destruction of the ozone layer, global warming, the sharp decline in biodiversity, poverty, refugee flows, food crises, and so on. But for many, these things happen in faraway places and do not happen in the local environment.
However, a closer look reveals that many of these problems are happening locally, even in schools. Students and teachers in schools are consumers of resources. At the same time, as members of the community and current or future citizens, teachers and students are also responsible for the development of the community and have a responsibility to contribute to its sustainability. If the path to sustainable development is compared to a runway, there are no spectators beyond the runway; all are athletes. Environmental and development issues are not only the business of the government, but also the business of everyone, the individual.
Knowledge of environmental protection is one of the necessary qualities of twenty-first century talents. In order to make teachers and students in-depth knowledge and understanding of the importance of environmental issues, to improve the environmental literacy of teachers and students environmental knowledge, awareness, skills, attitudes, values and behaviors. According to the State Environmental Protection Administration, the State Education Commission, the Central Propaganda Department issued "on environmental education action program" and the instructions and requirements of the relevant departments at the higher level, combined with the actual school, in recent years, the Development Zone Secondary School comprehensively carry out the activities of the creation of green schools. The environmental protection education is included in the school of a major event to pay constant attention to, really will be the understanding of environmental education into the hearts of teachers and students.
In the creation of green school activities, the school has always attached importance to the environmental protection education of students, in the school, the family advocate green civilization, the implementation of environmental protection actions. At the same time to grasp the popularization, pay more attention to the connotation, adhere to the moral education, scientific and technological activities, team activities, social practice and other areas of students to instill environmental awareness and environmental ethics. After several years of exploration and practice, we have achieved good results and accumulated some experience worth promoting.
Give full play to the role of the main channel of the classroom, make use of all available conditions, so that students can effectively grasp the contents of the textbooks of various subjects related to environmental protection, and cultivate students' awareness of environmental protection.
Focus on the "green" publicity
At present, the urgent task of environmental education in a sense is to educate students to "learn to do", so that they have a "green mind". In order to make students as soon as possible to have a "green" consciousness, the school actively create a good atmosphere of public opinion, the organization of students to consciously participate in the planned environmental activities, to promote them as soon as possible to realize the environmental awareness and moral level of improvement.
First of all, the school increased investment in environmental protection funds, the library, reading room every year to subscribe to a large number of environmental protection publicity content of books, newspapers and magazines, the school's e-learning center has a special environmental protection video materials, each class computer is equipped with environmental protection information software, the use of after-school hours to regularly organize the students to watch, so that the students to understand the current state of the environment, learning environmental protection knowledge, and thus with their own actions to protect the environment. In addition, the school also has a special environmental protection department. In addition, the school also has a special environmental protection window, regularly publicize environmental protection knowledge to students, with the school's environmental education work; the school committee will be the blackboard newspaper as the front line of environmental protection propaganda, often organizing the grades to carry out environmental protection knowledge as the theme of the board competition, prompted by the evaluation of the "green" into the classroom; The "Voice of the Campus" radio station opened a "You, me and him, the global village" column, whenever the environment-related activities: such as Arbor Day, Love Birds Week, World Water Day, Earth Day, Environment Day, etc., to actively promote environmental protection, and called on all classes for the holiday theme to write environmental radio scripts; and, in addition, to organize between grades to carry out environmental protection knowledge theme board competition, through the competition to promote the "green" into the classroom. And, the school also set up in the campus about environmental protection placards, such as saving energy, reducing pollution, green consumption, environmental protection shopping, improve the environment, save the earth and so on. Through the development of these activities, so that students from "I" to start, from small things to do, everything in the heart of the environment.
Environmental Protection Memorial Day
International Wetlands Day
February 2 is International Wetlands Day. According to the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat signed in 1971 in Ramsar, Iran, wetlands are "permanent or temporary marshland, peatland, or water areas with static or flowing, or bodies of fresh, semi-saline, or brackish water, including those not exceeding 6 meters at low tide ". Wetlands play an important role in the conservation of biodiversity, especially avian habitat and migration.
World Water Day
On January 18, 1993, the 47th session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution designating March 22 of each year as World Water Day. The resolution requested all governments to carry out specific activities to raise public awareness on this day according to their respective national conditions. Starting from 1994, our government changed the time of "China Water Week" to March 22-28 every year, so that the publicity activities are more prominent in the theme of "World Water Day".
World Meteorological Day
In 1960, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) designated March 23 as World Meteorological Day to raise public awareness of meteorological issues.
Earth Day
In 1969, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin proposed that lectures on environmental issues be held on U.S. college campuses. Soon after, Dennis Hayes, a student at Harvard Law School, expanded Nelson's proposal to include large-scale community-based environmental activities throughout the United States, and selected April 22, 1970 as the first "Earth Day". On that day, more than 20 million people in the United States, including members of Congress, people from all walks of life, participated in this large-scale environmental activities. Across the country, people chanted slogans to protect the environment, in the streets and campuses, marches, rallies, speeches and publicity. Later, the influence of the United States and beyond the boundaries of the United States, many countries around the world to get a positive response, and eventually formed into a worldwide environmental protection movement, April 22 is also increasingly becoming a global "Earth Day". Every year on this day, all over the world to carry out various forms of mass environmental protection activities.
World No Tobacco Day
In 1987, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated May 31 as World No Tobacco Day to remind people of the harm that cigarettes do to human health.
World Environment Day
In the 1960s and 1970s, with the deepening of the environmental protection movement in various countries, the environmental issue has become a major social problem, and some environmental problems across the borders appear frequently, and environmental issues and environmental protection have gradually entered the life of the international community. From June 5 to 16, 1972, the United Nations held the Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, where government representatives and civil society from 113 countries discussed the world's contemporary environmental problems and strategies for the protection of the global environment, and formulated the "Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment" and the "Action Plan for the Protection of the Global Environment" with 109 recommendations. The Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and a 109-recommended "Plan of Action" for the protection of the global environment were formulated, and 7 ****identical points of view and 26 ****identical principles were put forward to inspire and guide the peoples of the world in preserving and improving the human environment, and it was proposed that the opening day of the Conference be designated as "World Environment Day". In October 1972, the 27th United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution designating June 5 as World Environment Day. The United Nations has set the theme of World Environment Day every year according to the major environmental problems and hotspots in the world in that year. The United Nations system and governments carry out various activities on this day every year to publicize the importance of protecting and improving the human environment, and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) publishes an annual report on the state of the environment, and convenes an international conference in recognition of the "Global 500".
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
Because the increasingly serious problem of global desertification continues to threaten the survival of mankind, from 1995 onwards, June 17 each year was designated as the "World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought".
World Population Day
On July 11, 1987, the world's population surpassed 5 billion with the birth of a Yugoslavian baby, and in 1990, the United Nations designated July 11 as World Population Day.
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
On September 16, 1987, 46 countries signed the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in Montreal, Canada, and began to take concrete action to protect the ozone layer. The United Nations established this day to raise awareness of the need to protect the ozone layer and to take concerted action to protect the Earth's environment and human health.
World Animal Day
The Italian missionary St. Francis of Assisi advocated more than 100 years ago that October 4 be "a day of thanks to the animals that have given love to mankind". In his honor, October 4 is celebrated as World Animal Day.
World Food Day
The world's food supply is outstripping demand as the population grows rapidly. Since 1981, October 16th has been celebrated as World Food Day.
International Day for Biological Diversity
The Convention on Biological Diversity entered into force on December 29, 1993, and the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to commemorate this day, which will be celebrated annually from 1995 onwards as the International Day for Biological Diversity.
The Hazards of Acid Rain
Acid rain is usually defined as acidic precipitation with a Ph value of less than 5.6, which is an index of acidity and alkalinity.
Acid rain in China (acid rain usually refers to acidic precipitation with a pH value of less than 5.6) is spreading, and is the world's third largest acid rain area after Europe and North America.
In the 1980s, acid rain in China mainly occurred in the Sichuan-Guizhou-Two-Guangzhou region represented by Chongqing, Guiyang and Liuzhou, with an area of 1.7 million square kilometers of acid rain area. By the mid-1990s, acid rain had developed to the south of the Yangtze River, east of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Sichuan Basin, and the acid rain area had expanded by more than 1 million square kilometers. The acid rain area in central China, represented by Changsha, Ganzhou, Nanchang and Huaihua, has now become the most seriously polluted area in the country, with the frequency of annual acid rainfall in its center being higher than 90%, almost to the extent that every rainfall is bound to be acidic. The coastal areas of East China, represented by Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Qingdao and Xiamen, have also become the main acid rain areas in China. Acidic precipitation also occurs in localized areas in North and Northeast China, and in 1998, more than half of the cities in China, including more than 70% of the southern cities and Xi'an, Tongchuan, Tumen and Qingdao among the northern cities, had acid rain. Acid rain in China has become a prairie fire, covering an area of more than 30% of the national territory.
The hazards of acid rain are manifold, including direct and potential harm to human health, ecosystems, and buildings. Acid rain can make children's immune function decline, chronic pharyngitis, bronchial asthma increased incidence, at the same time can make the elderly eye, respiratory disease increased. Acid rain can also significantly reduce crop yields, especially for wheat, which can be reduced by 13% to 34% under the influence of acid rain. Soybeans and vegetables are also susceptible to acid rain, resulting in a decrease in protein content and yield. Acid rain is also harmful to forests and other plants, often causing yellowing of their leaves, aggravation of pests and diseases, and ultimately causing widespread death.
Among China's atmospheric pollution, acid rain and floating dust are the most significant. For more than a decade, the problem of acid rain has become more and more prominent due to the increasing emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Now China is the third largest acid rain area after Europe and North America.
The main distribution areas of acid rain in China are the Sichuan Basin, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi south of the Yangtze River, as well as the coastal provinces of Fujian and Guangdong. In North China, acid rain deposition is rarely observed, which may be attributed to the low precipitation, low air humidity and low soil acidity in the north. However, it is worth noting that areas in the north such as Houma, Jingjin, Dandong and Tumen are now experiencing acidic precipitation.
Acid rain can be very harmful to forest plants. According to domestic simulation experiments on the effects of 105 species of woody plants, when the precipitation pH value is less than 3.0, it can cause direct damage to plant leaves, making the leaves lose their green color and turn yellow and begin to fall off. The longer the leaves are in contact with acid rain, the more serious the damage is. Field surveys show that in areas where the precipitation PH value is less than 4.5, a large number of yellow leaves appear and fall off in ponytail pine forests, Huashan pine and fir forests, and the forests die out in pieces. For example, in Fengjie County, Chongqing, where the precipitation PH value is less than 4.3, the annual average tall growth of 20-year-old ponytail pine forests is reduced by 50%.
The impact of acid rain on forests is largely caused by the deterioration of the physical and chemical properties of the soil. In the presence of acid rain, the nutrients potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium are released from the soil and leached out with the rain. Therefore, long-term acid rain will cause a large amount of nutrients in the soil to be leached out, resulting in a serious shortage of nutrients in the soil, thus making the soil infertile. In addition, acid rain can cause the release of aluminum from the stable state in the soil, resulting in an increase in active aluminum and a decrease in aluminum in the organic complex state. The increase in reactive aluminum in the soil can severely inhibit the growth of forest trees. Acid rain can inhibit the reproduction of certain soil microorganisms and reduce enzyme activity, and nitrogen-fixing bacteria, bacteria and actinomycetes in the soil are significantly inhibited by acid rain. Acid rain can also make forest pests and diseases increase significantly. In Sichuan, the disease index of horsetail pine forests in the heavy acid rain area is 2.5 times of that in the no-acid rain area.
The damage of acid rain to China's forests is mainly in the provinces south of the Yangtze River. According to the preliminary survey statistics, the forest area affected by acid rain in the Sichuan Basin is the largest, about 280,000 hectares, accounting for 32% of the forested land area. The affected forest area in Guizhou is about 140,000 ha. According to the results of some studies, in the southwestern region alone, as a result of the decline in forest productivity caused by acid rain,*** 6.3 million cubic meters of timber were lost, and the direct economic loss amounted to 3 billion yuan (based on 1988 market prices). Estimates for 11 southern provinces indicate that the direct economic losses caused by acid rain could reach 4.4 billion yuan. Most experts now believe that the ecological value of forests far exceeds their economic value. Although there is still some controversy over the method of calculating the ecological value of forests, and the calculated figures are not yet generally recognized by society, it is almost unanimous that the ecological value of forests exceeds their economic value. According to these calculations, the ecological value of forests is 2-8 times greater than their economic value. If this ratio is taken into account, the economic losses caused by acid rain damage to forests are extremely large.
What is halon?
The so-called Halon (Halon's phonetic translation) is the trade name of 1211 and 1301, which belongs to a class of chemicals called haloalkanes, mainly used as fire-fighting agents. It is used primarily as a fire extinguishing agent. It is used to extinguish fires by destroying the complex chemical chain reaction that leads to combustion or explosion. Halon extinguishing agents, which are widely used in the fire protection industry, are ozone-depleting substances. Halon gas is naturally emitted into the atmosphere when people use halon extinguishers to fight fires or train. Halon contains chlorine and bromine, and after being exposed to sunlight radiation in the atmosphere, it decomposes into free radicals of chlorine and bromine, and these chemically active groups combine with ozone to take away an oxygen atom in the ozone molecule, triggering a destructive chain reaction that destroys the ozone, thus lowering the ozone concentration and creating the ozone hole. Halons have an atmospheric lifespan of several decades, and their destructive effects on the ozone layer in the stratosphere will last for decades or longer. Therefore the destructive effect of halons on the ozone layer is enormous. Scientific research has proved that halons are one of the main culprits in the destruction of the ozone layer.