But many high-quality apps and games are not available on the App Store for some reason, so the best solution is to buy apps directly from an account in a different region, and this article explains how to do that. First of all, you need to cancel your AppleID in the "App Store and iTunes Store" in the settings.
2. Then log in to the foreign account given at the end of the article, after logging in, the system will prompt you that the account is exclusive to foreign regions.
3. Remember to turn off automatic downloads and updates after you've made the switch, or else someone else will automatically sync the downloads to your device after logging in.
4. Finally, open the App Store and enjoy the different software ecosystem. You can download Vainglory, Google, Plants vs. You can download all of them for free.
U.S. accounts, no amount, can only download free software, after the download, please switch back to the original account.