Is good medical insurance in paypal reliable?

Good medical insurance in Alipay is reliable.

Many friends may mistakenly think that good medical insurance is an insurance product, but in fact, good medical insurance is the collective name of a series of insurance products sold on the Alipay platform, and there are several products.

The main product of the Good Medical Insurance series is the million medical insurance, including Good Medical Insurance long-term medical insurance, Good Medical Insurance life-long cancer medical insurance and Good Medical Insurance hospitalization medical insurance.

Good medical insurance series of products backed by Alipay platform sales, but the underwriting company is a serious insurance company, the purchase of the insurance contract with the insurance company,

And China's insurance companies have a strict access mechanism, by the strict supervision of the CBIRC, the safety of the issue is not a problem.

So how is the product in the end? Milkman took the popular product of the good medical insurance series - good medical insurance long-term medical insurance 20-year version to give you an analysis.

Good Health Insurance Long Term Medical Insurance 20 Year Edition is a multi-million dollar medical insurance policy underwritten by PICC Health Insurance Company,

Guaranteed renewal of long-term medical insurance for 20 years, the renewal time has reached the "ceiling" of similar products,

Provides 4 million dollars of coverage for the reimbursement of general hospitalization medical expenses and critical illnesses hospitalization medical expenses,

This product has been in the market for a long time, but it is still in the market.

What's unfortunate about this product is that it has a 10,000 yuan deductible for general and critical illnesses***.

Overall this product is quite rich in protection responsibilities, but some details are still a bit flawed, and health notification is relatively strict.

If you want to compare more products of the same type you can click here to see more product reviews! Million Dollar Medical Insurance List, Who to Choose for Million Dollar Coverage?

If you want to know more about insurance, you can click on the link in the text to consult the nanny insurance.

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