Plasma, ultraviolet, ozone and other air sterilizers belong to medical devices or disinfection products?

Air sterilizers in the September 10, 2009 release of & lt; State Food and Drug Administration Measures [2009] No. 582 & gt; on the adjustment of medical indoor air disinfection equipment management notice of the announcement was canceled. Replaced by the Health Planning Commission frequently issued by the "disinfection products manufacturer health license", so plasma, ultraviolet, ozone and other air disinfectors are disinfection products.

In accordance with the provisions of the "disinfection product health and safety evaluation" (2014 edition), air sterilizers belong to the second category of products, the first, the second category of disinfection products for the first time on the market, the product responsible unit should be the health and safety evaluation report to the location of the provincial health and family planning administrative departments for the record, the second category of disinfection products, health and safety evaluation report is valid for a long time, the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the detection can be done.